• Medvedev Warns of a 'Permanent War'

    The Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, warned against any ground operations in Syria because, according to him, it could lead to the beginning of a new global war. The head of the Russian Government made this statement in his interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt on the eve of the Munich Security Conference.

    “As a rule, all ground operations lead to permanent warfare. Look what is going on in Afghanistan and a number of other countries. I didn’t even mention poor Libya,” …

  • Russian FSB carries out operation against 11 Crimean Tatars

    On the 11th of February, representatives of the Russian Federal Security Bureau (FSB), accompanied by Special Forces, stormed the houses of Crimean Tatars who adhere to the canons of Islam.  There were 11 cases of houses being searched on that day, and 12 people were detained.  Searches were performed in Yalta, Alushta and Bakhchysarai.

    The searches involved smashing windows and placing bags over the heads of suspected terrorists and traitors.  At 6 am, Russian Security servicemen entered the …

  • NATO to continue bolstering defense in Eastern Europe

    On Wednesday, the Defense Ministers of NATO member states agreed on the need to station more troops in Eastern Europe in order to deter Russia’s aggressive foreign policy. The matter will be discussed in depth during a meeting of the allies in Warsaw this summer.

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that the specifics of the future Eastern European contingent have not yet been determined. The Alliance is especially concerned with “hybrid threats”, and according to Stoltenberg, the …

  • Syrian opposition seeks surface-to-air missiles to defend against Russian airstrikes

    Representatives of the Syrian opposition who rely on the support of Saudi Arabia have called on western allies to supply surface-to-air missiles to defend against Russian military aircraft, Reuters reported. As stated by the Press Secretary of High Negotiations Committee (HNC) of the Syrian opposition, Salem al-Muslat, air defense systems "would solve the Syrian problem" and would protect the civilian population "from any kind of air strikes, including Russian." He also stressed that such …

  • Ukrainian Eurobonds plummet following IMF's announcement of possible cessation of assistance to Kiev

    A statement made by the head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, concerning the possible cessation of financial assistance to Ukraine has already affected the value of Ukrainian Eurobonds.

    Igor Mazepa, the Director General of IC Concorde Capital and a member of its business initiatives group, discussed this in his commentary for Correspondent.net. According to him, the value of Ukrainian bonds fell by 1.5-2.2% in just one hour.

    "In comparison, last week after the statement …

  • Russian opposition to hold demonstration in memory of Nemtsov on anniversary of his assassination

    Organizers of a demonstration to commemorate the death of Boris Nemtsov will give notice about the event to Moscow’s mayoral office on the 12th of February.  This was posted on the event organizer’s Facebook page.

    The demonstration will be held on February 27th on the one-year anniversary of Nemtsov's assassination.  Participants plan to walk from Slavyanskaya Square to the Great Moscow River Bridge, where Nemtsov was killed.

    The Facebook post also invited all concerned parties to take part …

  • NATO is working to strengthen the Ukrainian army

    NATO will continue to coordinate with Ukraine on a daily basis and work to strenghten the Ukrainian Armed Forces, an anonymous senior NATO official told Radio Svoboda.

    "The parties have already identified the main objectives for cooperation. In Kiev, a group of NATO defense consultants is constantly working to help their Ukrainian colleagues enhance the combat readiness of the armed forces and to carry out reforms. Everything is being improved: from the operational plans to procurement systems …

  • German businessman has won another legal victory over Russia

    German businessman, Franz Sedelmayer, has won another legal victory over Russia.  He is currently striving for the sequestration of Russian property abroad due to the expense of lost investments in St. Petersburg.

    The First Instance Court of the French town of Draguignan had refused to recognize and implement the decision of the St. Petersburg court with regard to the extraction of taxes and fines from Sedelmayer totaling an amount of 65.6 million dollars.  This was reported by the Kommersant …

  • Entire Factory Illegally Transported from Ukraine to Russia Resumes Operations

    A Ukrainian factory which was repossessed by Russia and illegally transported from eastern Ukraine has started its work in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky in Russia's Rostov Oblast. The factory was removed from the Lugansk region of Ukraine in 2014 under the cover of military groups, as reported by Rossiiskaya Gazeta.

    The Kamensky Transport Machinery Plant, formerly the Lugansk Electromechanical Plant, specializes in the production of equipment for rail transport and ore-mining. The equipment produced by …

  • Russia refutes claims that expropriated Ukrainian warship will be used in Syrian operation

    Russia has refuted claims that the large Ukrainian landing ship, "Konstantin Olshansky", which was captured during the annexation of Crimea, will be used for military operations in Syria.

    This was reported to the Interfax news agency by an informed source.

    “The General Staff of the Russian Navy does not plan to use the ship in the operation which has been called the 'Syrian Express' by foreign media.  This ship’s return, along with others, to Ukraine is currently suspended due to the conflict …