• Poroshenko confirms participation of foreign troops in 2016 drills

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko confirmed that the military plans to hold training drills with the participation of NATO troops on Ukrainian territory.

    According to the president’s press service, more than 5,000 foreign servicemen will participate in the Maple Arch drills in 2016. Participants will include US soldiers, NATO forces, and Ukrainian servicemen.

    Another 2,000 foreign troops will participate in the Sea Breeze exercise in the Black Sea. The naval and marine training drill will …

  • Putin: Victory Day most significant event of 2015

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a New Year’s reception at the Kremlin, summed up the results of this year and noted the most significant event, as reported by TASS.  "We sum up the past and build plans for the coming year.  In the past year there were many events but the most significant was the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory," Putin said.

    He stressed that the country has celebrated this date "with honor to our fathers and grandfathers, whose fate is inspiring." The …

  • Poroshenko awards 300 medals to Ukrainian servicemen

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko recognized soldiers who demonstrated heroism, courage and professionalism during combat missions in the Donbas region, the president’s press service reported. Of the 300 medals given by Poroshenko, 22 were awarded posthumously.

    Of those honored 282 were members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (including 22 killed and 51 wounded), 17 were members of the National Guard, and one was a serviceman of the State Border Service.

    All awarded soldiers proved …

  • Danone to close two factories in Russia

    The French company Danone, one of the largest producers of dairy products in the world, will close two factories in Russia. According to a statement made by company representatives to the newspapers Izvestia, the French company will close its plants in Tomsk and Cheboksary.

    “After a company-wide reorganization, the Tomsk dairy plant will be closed. There will also be a consolidation of production facilities in Kemerovo and Krasnoyarsk. The Cheboksary dairy plant will also be closed and its …

  • Turchynov proposes changing date of Christmas in Ukraine

    Secretary of the National Security Service of Ukraine, Aleksandr Turchynov, has proposed changing the date of Christmas in Ukraine to December 25th.

    "Perhaps the time has come for Ukraine to start celebrating Christmas on December 25th with the majority of civilized countries. But a decision on this matter should come first of all from the Council of Christian Churches of Ukraine. During the transition, I think we could celebrate both, on December 25th and January 7th,” he said.

    The Orthodox …

  • Mutko: FIFA unfairly scrutinized from every angle

    Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko has voiced his dissatisfaction with the investigation of FIFA corruption.  The Minister said that the International Football Federation is under serious pressure from investigators from the US and Switzerland who are in charge of the probe.

    "We can see how FIFA is put under a lot of pressure by the law enforcement systems of the United States and Switzerland; they professionally and methodically examine international football piece by piece. He who seeks …

  • Ukraine to expand tank and guided missile production

    Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak announced that the UkrOboronProm state arms manufacturer plans to expand production of guided missiles and T-84 Oplot tanks next year.

    "For the first time in the history of Ukraine, we'll start manufacturing almost completely new aircraft for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to government contract, including the production of guided missiles, and Oplot tanks. I wish this contract took effect today, but the appropriate decision has already been …

  • Putin blames profiteers for Russia’s economic woes

    At a meeting with cabinet members, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for increasing the amount of high-quality but inexpensive Russian products on the market. Putin said that profiteering has led to a decline in living standards in the country, and has produced an unjustified increase in the cost of products, goods, and services.

    “Today, unreasonable, frankly profiteering price hikes on goods and services are leading to lower living standards. We need to use all market instruments …

  • Ukrainian Rada allows foreign troops in military drills

    On Friday night, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada passed legislation allowing for foreign troops to participate in military exercises on Ukrainian territory next year.

    239 deputies voted in favor of the draft submitted by President Petro Poroshenko.

    "The adoption of the law will ensure the implementation of tasks in the sphere of security and defense in the entire context of fulfilling the foreign policy priorities of the state," the bill’s summary reads.

    The document states that Ukraine will host …

  • OSCE granted limited access to Kominternove

    The Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE said that armed members of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic did not allow observers to go past the main street of the village of Kominternove during the mission’s investigation on Thursday.

    The SMM had been trying to reach the village for two days to follow-up on reports that DPR militants had occupied the village. The mission had not been able to investigate due to security concerns, and was denied access by armed DPR militants at a …