Contents tagged with crimea

  • Media: Russian Bastion missile systems have been deployed to Crimea

    A new division of Bastion coastal defense missile system arrived in the Crimea on November 30th, as reported by the Crimean news website citing a source in the Russian military. The divisions are replacing similar systems that were shipped to Syria in October this year.

    “A division of Bastions is arriving in the peninsular. The systems will replace the complexes shipped to Syrian in October. Bastions will be located in tow districts of the peninsular,“ the source said.

    The news …

  • Ukraine has determined new dangerous areas for flights over the Black Sea

    Russia has accused Ukraine of creating new zones where it is dangerous for aircraft to fly over the Black Sea, as stated on Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency website.

    "The new dangerous air zones are over Black Sea’s neutral waters and partially over Black Sea’s territorial waters of the Russian Federation to the southwest and southeast of the Crimean Peninsula. The reason for the establishment of new dangerous zones is not specified in NOTAMs [Notices to Airmen]. By doing this, the …

  • Russia deploys anti-ballistic missile systems to Crimea ahead of Ukrainian missile tests

    Ukrainian analytical group InformNapalm reported that Russian S-300VM "Antey-2500" anti-ballistic missile system were spotted in the Crimea. The group states that the appearance of the missile systems in the Crimea is linked to the scheduled missiles tests by Ukraine near the peninsula.

    The systems were transported along one of the Crimean intercity freeways and were headed to an unknown destination.

    The S-300VM "Antey-2500" missile system is intended to strike tactical, theater and medium …

  • Yanukovych: The decision on the referendum in Crimea was influenced by the Russian military

    The former Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, admitted that the decision on the referendum in the Crimea on the secession from Ukraine was influenced by servicemen from the Russian Black Sea Fleet, as he stated during his video deposition, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "It was decided to immediately start the referendum on secession from Ukraine and to join Russia. And do you know that there were many servicemen of the Russian Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol? They also strongly influenced this …

  • Russia warns Kyiv that there will be a military response if Ukraine carries out scheduled missile tests

    The Head of the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Countries and International Humanitarian Cooperation, Konstanin Kosachev, warned Ukraine over conducting the missile tests in “Russian airspace”.

    “If it comes to the point  that we have to use military response, this will, of course, be a most horrible and unpleasant scenario, which all of us have to prevent,“ Kosachev stated at the International Conference of Scientific Research Centers entitled “Crisis of world order, not only a Russian problem . …

  • Russia to place space control systems to the Crimea and the Altai

    Russia plans to deploy complexes of the new space monitoring system (SKKP) in the Altai, the Far East, Buryatia and the Crimea, as reported on the radio station Life Zvuk by the deputy commander of Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS), Colonel Andrey Ivashin.

    “In the coming years a network of new complexes of the space monitoring system will be deployed on the territory of the Russian Federation. It will be a network of specialized radio engineering control systems and optoelectronic systems of a …

  • Turkish Deputy PM: Ankara condemns the annexation of Crimea despite normalization of relations with Russia

    Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş said that, no matter how relations between Turkey and Russia may normalize, Ankara condemns the annexation of the Crimea.He said this at a press conference with journalists in London, Anadolu reports.

    According to him, the Crimea and Crimean Tatar issues are important for Turkey, which is closely monitoring the situation on the peninsula.

    “We declare at all levels that from the very beginning we have condemned Russia’s position regarding the …

  • Ukrainian official: The return of Crimea is impossible within the next five years

    Deputy Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons Heorhiy Tuka does not believe that Russia will return the Crimean peninsula in the coming years.

    “I find it impossible [that Russia will] return the Crimea in the next 3-5 years. Let me explain why. My personal view is that Crimea [will be returned] to Ukraine when the economic forces begin moving again in Russia. Now it may seem nonsense and a fantasy, but you can watch the news from the mid 90s, how the …

  • Russia protests Ukraine's plans to conduct missile tests near the Crimea

    The Russian Defense Ministry submitted a note of protest to the Ukrainian Defense Attaché over Ukraine’s plans to conduct missile tests near the Crimea.

    Moscow claims that such tests would be “a violation of international law and Russian legislation.

    "The document, handed to the defense attaché, expresses the Russian Defense Ministry’s protest against… [Ukraine’s use of] the airspace over the Black Sea to the west of the Crimean Peninsula coast for rocket firings", the Russian Defense …

  • Russian journalist: Ukrainians are becoming the Kremlin's bargaining chip

    Any Ukrainian living in the territory of Russia or the annexed Crimea may become a bargaining chip for the Kremlin, as expressed by the Russian journalist, Alexander Podrabinek, in the evening broadcast of Krym.Realii radio.

    "A Ukrainian in the territory of Russia is subjected to Russian law enforcement agencies’ increased attention, and I generally would not advise Ukrainians to live in Russia; I’d rather advise them to run away like lightning, because they may be at risk of detention or …