Contents tagged with Syria

  • Russian media publishes salaries of Russian soldiers in Syria

    The salary of Russian soldiers and contract sergeants in Syria is up to 200,000 rubles ($2746 USD) per month, reports the Russian newspaper Argumenty i Fakty with reference to the Russian command.

    The officer's salary is 200-300 thousand rubles ($2746 –$4120 USD). Pilots making combat sorties, on average, receive 400,000 rubles ($5492 USD) a month. Their salary depends on the number of flights.

    It is noted that the servicemen also receive travel expenses: 43 dollars a day for soldiers and …

  • Media: Iran uses Russian Khmeimim air base to transport weapons to Syria

    The second Iranian cargo plane in the last two weeks landed at the Russian Khmeimim military base in Syria, reported the Arabic-language news outlet Nothing is known about the nature of the cargo.

    According to the newspaper, in this way Iran guarantees the uninterrupted supply to military units stationed in Syria, without fear of attacks by the Israeli Air Force.

    The Syrian authorities can also use this method of delivering the necessary goods until security conditions are in …

  • Turkish media: Russia recruits Syrian militants to fight in Libya

    Russia is allegedly inviting Syrians supporting the Assad government in the military conflict to go to fight in eastern Libya on the side of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, reports the Turkish news agency Anadolu with reference to "local sources" in the Syrian Arab Republic .

    In the end of April, in Daraa province in southern Syria, a "Russian military delegation led by a high-ranking officer" has met several times "with groups of Syrian mercenaries who had previously fought for money on the …

  • Russian troops move to Iranian-held areas in eastern Syria

    Russian forces conducted the first military patrol on the outskirts of Al Mayadin in the eastern Deir ez-Zor countryside, Deir Ezzor 24 network reported, citing its sources. This is the first time that Russia moved its militarily to the region.

    According to Deir Ezzor 24 sources, the Russian patrol drove near Al-Rahba Castle in the city, and near al-Taybah roundabout in Al Mayadin.

    The first Russian patrol in the area comes amid reports that Moscow wants to establish a foothold in the eastern …

  • Israel strikes Iranian targets in Syria

    On the evening of May 4, Syrian air defense forces repelled an air attack in Aleppo province, reports the Syrian news agency SANA.

    According to the agency, Israel was behind the attack targeting a research center.

    A SANA military source later said the attack also targeted military depots near the town of Al Safirah in northwestern Syria.

    "At 22:32 on May 4, the enemy aircraft appeared on radar screens. The aircraft carried out missile strikes on military warehouses in the area of Al Safirah. …

  • Russian and American military face off in Northern Syria

    The Russian military did not let a US military convoy to enter the town of Qamishli in Northern Syria, Telegram-channel "Military Informant" reports.

    The post was published on the evening of May 2. The date of the incident is not reported. According to the author, the Russians and Americans got into confrontation on the outskirts of the city. Photos published in the post show that two Russian armored personnel carriers blocked the path of the US military convoy. It is noted that after that the …

  • Satellite images show extensive damage to Syrian airbase after Israeli airstrike

    The Israeli company Imagesat International (iSi) published satellite photographs of the Syrian Shayrat airbase showing the repairs to the airbase after the Israeli airstrike on March 31.

    The images were taken by the satellite Eros B. On them, one can see that runways, taxiways and navigation systems of the airbase were completely destroyed.

    “After two weeks of repairing due to a massive airstrike (31 March 2020), Shayrat airbase, Syria, shows signs of returning to operational activity. It is …

  • Israeli helicopters strike targets in Syria

    On Friday, May 1, Israeli helicopters attacked ground targets 40 km southwest of Damascus, reported the Syrian news agency SANA.

    It is noted that the missile strikes were carried out from the Golan Heights at a number of Syrian Army positions in the Quneitra Governorate.

    According to the agency, only material damage was caused. There is no information about the dead. According to the Syrian radio station Sham FM, five rockets were fired.

    Meanwhile, according to unofficial sources, there are …

  • Turkey begins offensive in Syria

    Turkey has launched an offensive in Syria, striking militant positions near the M4 motorway near the village of Nayrab in Idlib province, reported the Russian newspaper Izvestia, citing sources familiar with the situation.

    Several airstrikes were carried out on Hayat Tahrir al-Sham strongholds. According to the newspaper, the intensity of fighting in Idlib increased dramatically after the Turkish military, as part of the March agreement with Russia, tried to unblock the M4 motorway, partially …

  • Israeli strike on Syria kills nine pro-Iranian militants

    At least nine pro-Iranian fighters loyal to Lebanon's Hezbollah were killed last night in a missile strike near Palmyra in Homs province, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), referring to its activists on the ground.

    The organization, which is in opposition to Assad's regime, regularly reports on what is happening in Syria, drawing information from its own independent sources, which are not subject to strict state censorship.

    The Observatory said in a statement that the …