• Ukrainian Prime Minister Demands Strategy for the Return of Crimea

    The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk declared that the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine needed to prepare a strategy for the return of Crimea from Russian annexation. According to him, the government is doing its share of the work.

    “The National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine has to consider a strategic question: How will we reclaim the Crimea? We do our part of the work as government. We have made our case to the European Court of Human Rights,” Yatsenyuk …

  • Turkey slams Russia’s missile ‘provocation’ in Bosphorus

    As reported by Hurriyet Daily News of Turkey, a Russian warship passing through Bosphorus en route to the Mediterranean on Dec. 6 brought an angry reaction from Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. A russian soldier was seen in footage of the boat holding a ground-to-air missile in the shooting position. “This is provocation, this is a harassing passage,” Çavuşoğlu told reporters on Dec. 6 in his hometown Antalya.“The Russian warplanes’ violation of our airspace and the passing of the …

  • Much anticipation about Biden’s visit to Ukraine. What will the outcome be?

    On December 7, The US Vice President, Joe Biden is expected in Ukraine. It’s the second time in the history of Ukraine since an American politician of such rank will address the Ukrainian Parliament. George Herbert Walker Bush, who addressed the Ukranian MPs from Verkhovna Rada’s podium, was the first. This happened when Ukraine expressed its intention to become an independent State. In his speech entitled “Chicken Kiev,” the former U.S President called on Ukraine to refrain from suicidal …

  • Turkey’s officials express their views on the return of Crimea

    The Ambassador of Turkey, Yönet Tezel, stated in his interview to the Ukrainian News that Ukraine should not make any derogations from legal positions in order to return Crimea. Tezel continued to say that this problem can’t be solved by military means. It’s necessary to find a solution to this conflict through dialogue.

    “Under conditions, when there are conflicts almost everywhere in the world, military solutions aren’t viable,” Tezel said. He added that Turkey has no intention to change its …

  • Return of Crimea and destabilisation of Caucasus could be Turkish response to Russia

    Ukrainian political scientist and Director of the Institute of Global Strategies, Vadim Karasev, believes that during the friction with Russia, Turkey could raise the issue of the return of the Crimea to Ukraine on the international level. Moreover, Turkey could also support subversive underground movements in the Caucasus.

    “The Russo-Turkish confrontation has mostly taken place on the information level. The conflict has hybrid nature,” Karasev stated. The expert believes that the conflict …