• New Monument Could Remove the Kremlin from UNESCO List

    The Commission of UNESCO experts may consider removing the Kremlin from the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Der Tagesspiegel reported on January 19th that such a decision was prompted by the plans of Russian authorities to construct a 24-meter monument to Grand Duke Vladimirat on Borovitskaya Square near Kremlin. The Grand Duke was a historical figure who chose Orthodox Christianity as the state religion of Kievan Rus.

    According to UNESCO experts, the monument, rising high above the …

  • Amnesty International Urges Ukraine to Ratify Rome Statute

    Amnesty International is urging the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, "to show the political will and make all necessary preparations for Ukraine to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as soon as possible," as stated in an open letter to the President of Ukraine.

    "Please note that only after the ratification of the Rome Statute will Ukraine receive all the benefits from participation in the ICC: participation in the election of judges and prosecutors, …

  • Ukraine Tells UN That Situation in Donbas Is Deteriorating

    According to the website of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations, the UN Security Council has been officially informed about the deterioration of the situation in the Donbas region.

    The press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry posed the information in such a way that the government plainly intended to "draw the attention of the international community to Russia’s neglect of the Minsk Agreement and to its full responsibility for the situation in some districts of …

  • Russia and Saudi Arabia Reach $10 Billion Arms Deal

    According to sources in the top management in defense enterprises, Russia is preparing to sell arms to Saudi Arabia; the demand is due to the current conflicts in the Middle East.

    Saudi Arabia has long relied on purchases of arms from NATO countries and the US.  Now it has expressed interest in Russian missile boats, patrol ships near the sea area, medium landing ships and patrol ships.  There are other serious developments as well, sources say.

    The Saudis are allegedly negotiating the …

  • Dutch Deputies Suspect Foul Play in Upcoming Association Agreement Referendum

    Dutch deputies from the Party of D-66 applied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands with a request to clarify whether there are signs of Russian influence on the forthcoming referendum on the Association Agreement with Ukraine.

    Deputies Shourd Shurdsma and Case Verhoeven made the request because of an article in the British newspaper The Telegraph, which quoted sources reporting on the investigation of the United States concerning the influence of Russia on the European Parties. …