• US to provide Ukraine with more equipment and technology for border surveillance

    The US will provide Ukraine with a modern system for the monitoring of their borders.  Representatives of the US Congress and the manufacturing company have said that the first samples are just awaiting customs clearance in Ukraine.  The Ukroboronprom state company, who is a partner in this project, has said that they are willing to establish a joint production with the US of similar equipment in Ukraine.  Supporters of military assistance to Ukraine in Congress have not excluded cooperation …

  • Turkish PM discusses situation in Crimea during visit to Kiev

    The results of meetings between the Heads of the Ukrainian authorities and the Turkish delegation in Kiev were positively assessed. This discussion was held in the office of the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev.

    “During all negotiations, special attention was paid to solving the problems of occupied Crimea and the protection of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people.  Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Kiev is beneficial in solving the …

  • In Munich, Medvedev shows that he is no Longer the 'Good Cop'

    German media covered the International Conference on Human SecurityDebates on issues concerning world policy at the Munich Security Conference, as the Berlin newspaper Der Tagesspiegel observed, constantly varied between skepticism and hope; and often both would come from the mouth of the same politician. John Kerry, the United States Secretary of State, in describing the current international climate, stated pessimistically that the world may not have ever faced so many crises of troubled …

  • EU lifts most sanctions against Belarus

    The European Union (EU) has finally lifted the sanctions against 170 citizens of Belarus, as well as three Belarusian companies.  The decision was adopted by the Foreign Ministers of 28 countries at a scheduled meeting of the EU Council.  This was reported by the Brussels correspondent of Radio Liberty, Rikard Jozwiak, via Twitter.

    "The Foreign Ministers of the EU have decided to exclude 170 people and three Belarusian companies from the sanctions list.  The embargo on arms supplies still …

  • Klimkin: Ukraine will Address the Issue of Russian Transit in Accordance with International Law

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, stated that Kiev will address the issue of the blockage of Russian trucks at the border in accordance with international law, but also in terms of Ukrainian national interests, Interfax reported.

    “Each aspect should be considered separately on the basis of the rules of international law. We are a State based on the rule of law and we will not act like Russia; but at the same time, we will take care of our interests. Russia will not be …