• Finnish authorities surprised by influx of refugees across border with Russia

    The Deputy Chief of the Finnish Border Guard, Ilkka Laitinen, is perplexed by the situation in which their border with Russia has quickly become one of the main crossing areas for refugees.  It is noted that more than 20 asylum-seekers crossed the border on Monday, February, 15th.

    "This phenomenon raises many questions, the answers to which we do not have.  One question is why people are crossing the northern border of Raja-Jooseppi and Salla, while the southern border crossings remain the …

  • EC wants access to Gazprom's contracts with European companies

    In an effort to enhance cooperation on the energy market, the European Commission (EC) is seeking to study the contracts between Russia and European companies with regard to gas supplies.  In the future, contracts longer than one year should be automatically disclosed to the EC if they are critical for ensuring gas supply to the European Union (EU).  

    This legislative initiative was proposed by officials in Brussels on the 16th of February.  The European Energy Commissioner, Miguel Arias …

  • US State Department: Shokin's resignation shows that Ukraine is ready to implement reforms

    The United States considers the resignation of Viktor Shokin, the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, as a signal demonstrating Ukraine’s readiness to implement reforms, as stated in Washington on Tuesday, February 16th by an official State Department spokesman, reports Ukrinform.

    "We consider such action as a signal of Ukraine’s serious intentions to implement reforms,” said Toner, commenting on Shokin’s resignation.

    According to him, it is essential to restore trust in the justice system in the …

  • Ukraine tells UN that Russia's annexation of Crimea is a threat to many other countries

    The Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, Vladimir Elchenko, has said that the ongoing militarization of Crimea threatens not only the Black Sea region, but other countries as well.

    "The illegal occupation and subsequent militarization of Crimea is not just a threat with long-term consequences for the Black Sea region, southern Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East.  Events in Syria are proof of this," he said during a speech at the open debate of the UN Security …

  • Romania prevents Russian trucks from entering Ukraine

    The Romanian customs service on the border with Ukraine isn’t allowing Russian trucks to pass through the checkpoint into Ukrainian territory. The movement of the Russian trucks has been locked down on both sides of the border between Romania and Ukraine, reported the Ukrainian media.

    According to reports, the Romanian Customs announced a strike and are not allowing Russian trucks to cross the border with Ukraine to ensure Russian trucks are blocked from both sides.

    On Friday, Ukrainian  …