• Ukraine and IMF have not yet agreed on updated memorandum on cooperation

    According to the Deputy Finance Minister of Ukraine, Artem Chevalier, Ukraine and the IMF have not yet agreed on the updated version of the memorandum on cooperation.  This memorandum would detail the provision of new loans for Ukraine.

    After a press conference in Kiev, Chevalier said that “we do not have the updated version of the memorandum yet”.

    He also did not give a possible date for resuming Ukraine’s cooperation with the fund.  In response to a question about the nature of the possible …

  • Turkey expresses its support for Southern Gas Corridor

    At a conference to review the results of the second meeting of the Advisory Board of the Southern Gas Corridor in Baku, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey, Berat Albayrak, stated that “the Southern Gas Corridor is an essential project in ensuring energy security.”  

    According to him, Turkey strongly supports the implementation of the Southern Gas Corridor project, as reported by Trend.

    He also thanked Azerbaijan for arranging the meetings for the Advisory Board of the …

  • UK Representative to the UN: Sanctions will not be lifted until Russia withdraws its weapons and troops from eastern Ukraine

    Today, at a UN Security Council session, the British Ambassador, Matthew Rycroft, stated that sanctions against Russia would remain in effect until Moscow removes their weapons and personnel from the Donbas and influences local militias to cease hostilities.

    “Now we need a sustained ceasefire in The Donbas,” he said. According to him, the Russian Federation should “show political will” in order to restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and fulfill its international obligations, UNIAN reported.

    “Russia …

  • Meeting planned between Foreign Ministers of Iran, Russia, and Azerbaijan

    The Iranian Foreign Ministry announced on Monday that it is planning to hold a meeting with the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Azerbaijan.

    “Soon there will be a trilateral meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan, Iran, and Russia. At this meeting will be discussed issues concerning the realization of the agreements reached at the meeting between Hassan Rouhani [President of Iran] and Ilham Aliyev [President of Azerbaijan],” APA quoted a representative of Iranian Foreign Ministry as …

  • US company finds 5 trillion cubic meter reserve of gas in Georgia

    American company Frontera Resources has found a 5 trillion cubic meter reserve of gas in Georgia, Georgian media reported. The media quoted the President of Frontera Resources, Steve Nicandros, who said that it can take up to 5 years for Georgia to begin exporting gas.

    Steve Nicandros stated that this gas will flow to Turkey and the countries of Eastern Europe. Last year, Frontera Resources, which has been working in Georgia since the mid-1990s, came to an agreement with Ukrainian Naftogaz, …