• Ukrainian Justice Minister: Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada is ready to sue Russia over Crimea

    The Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Pavlo Petrenko, claims that lawyers among the Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada have expressed readiness to support Ukraine in litigation efforts against Russia for the annexation of the Crimea, as discussed by Petrenko with UKRINFORM at the end of his visit to Canada.

    "The topic of Crimea was raised by our community. They have created the Association of Ukrainian Lawyers, including leading experts and lawyers from both Canada and the United States.  They were …

  • Ukrainian and Turkish navies hold joint exercise in the Sea of Marmara

    A joint military exercises of the Naval Forces of Ukraine and Turkey have been completed in the Sea of Marmara as reported by the Naval Forces of Ukraine on their Facebook page.

    "A detachment of ships of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine consisting of the frigate Hetman Sahaidachny and the degaussing ship Balta have completed joint exercises with a frigate of the Navy of the Republic of Turkey in the Sea of Marmara on the 7th of March," the message stated.

    It is noted that …

  • Russia to help Bolivia establish Center for Nuclear Research

    Russia and Bolivia will establish the Center for Nuclear Research and Technology.  Director General of Rosatom Sergey Kirienko and the Bolivian Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy Luis Alberto Sanchez have signed the agreement, as reported by Interfax on March 6th.

    The Center will be built in the Bolvian town El Alto which is located 4100m above sea level. It will contain new experiment plants and scientific laboratories. Russian institute JSC NIKIET, named after N.A. Dollezhal, will develop …

  • Ukraine is losing the EU Association Agreement Referendum in the Netherlands

    Dmitry Kuleba, the Ambassador-at-Large for Strategic Communications at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, stated that Ukraine is still losing in the Referendum on Association with the European Union, which is scheduled for April 6th in the Netherlands. Hromadske reports that according to the ambassador, the Dutch are confused about the referendum and Ukraine’s membership in the EU.

    Kuleba remains optimistic. "The dynamic is positive and the number of those who would vote against the …

  • World Bank to give Ukraine $200 million for the construction of new roads

    The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, stated during a meeting with the Head of the Poltava Regional State Administration that the World Bank plans to allocate $200 million for the construction of roads in Ukraine, the Government Portal reports.

    Yatsenyuk noted that capital spending will not be in the project estimates in 2016 but will be directed solely to projects to be commissioned in the current year. The part of capital expenditure would be directed to the repair of roads. …