• $1 Billion Gas Financing for Ukraine

     A $1 billion financing package is being prepared by the World Bank and other international financial institutions to help Ukraine and its Naftogaz to fill up its natural gas-storage facilities and avoid shortages over the winter.

    Many European states still remember 2009 gas shortages due to cutoffs from Russia. Current gas talks between Ukraine and Russia, mediated by EU have been complicated by the war in the east of Ukraine that was unleashed Russia.

    European officials still hope that …

  • French Warships to be sold to Egypt.

    France said Wednesday it is selling two Mistral class warships that were originally intended for Russia to Egypt.

    The two warships were originally built for Russia but France refused to deliver because of Moscow’s role in the war in Ukraine.

    According to French officials, the Mistrals will cost Egypt  €950 million (US$1.06 billion) for the two Mistral class warships. Originally Russia were to pay €1.2 billion for the warships, but as per the russian contract, France was supposed to help …

  • MH17 Tribunal may be formed avoiding UN Security Council.

    According to Julie Bishop, Austalia's Foreign Minister, an independent prosecution tribunal may be formed over Malaysian Ailines flight 17 destroyed in eastern Ukraine last year.A group of nations including Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine are seeking criminal accountability for the justice of victims of the Malaysian jetliner.Ministers from those nations would meet at the United Nations next Tuesday, during the annual General Assembly meeting of world leaders, for …

  • Factories in eastern Ukraine repossessed by Russia.

    A list of Ukrainian factories repossessed by Russia and moved out of Luhansk region in the east of Ukraine was published by MIGnews.com.ua.Almost all of the most valuable high-tech equipment in the occupied territory of Luhansk has been dismantled and removed to Russia.In August of 2014 residents of eastern Ukraine were able to see the true face of the "Russian world".  As noted by the "Public Union of Donbass "on their Faceboook page."Donbass residents could see a real robbery ... " Topaz " - …

  • Ukrainian president: Staying out of NATO was a 'criminal' policy

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Tuesday told the country's security council that staying out of the NATO alliance was a "criminal" policy that his government is ready to reverse.

    The war in the East of Ukraine unleashed by pro-russian separatists in April 2014 and backed by Russia, fearing that the pro-Western course of the new Kiev government would make it a NATO ally, has already brought over 8,000 casualties.

    "The decision on the non-alliance policy which was announced by the …