• Ukrainian president: Staying out of NATO was a 'criminal' policy

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Tuesday told the country's security council that staying out of the NATO alliance was a "criminal" policy that his government is ready to reverse.

    The war in the East of Ukraine unleashed by pro-russian separatists in April 2014 and backed by Russia, fearing that the pro-Western course of the new Kiev government would make it a NATO ally, has already brought over 8,000 casualties.

    "The decision on the non-alliance policy which was announced by the …

  • Syrian manipulations of the Russian Federation

    Both Ukrainian and foreign media reported today that satellite images published by the US private intelligence firm "Stratfor" show a significant build-up of Russia's military presence in Syria.According to InformNapalm.org analysis the military aircrafts seen in Syria belong to the units of the Eastern Military District of the Russian Federation.

    The main activity of the Russian military is observed on the Russian air base near the town of Hamimim Latakia and Tartus seaport.

    It is notable …

  • Russia and Israel to coordinate actions in Syria.

    Netanyahu: Russia and Israel will coordinate actions in SyriaIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a joint plan with Russia to coordinate military action in Syria."My goal was to eliminate misunderstanding between the Israeli army and Russian forces," - said Netanyahu after talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin.According to the Israeli Prime Minister, leaders of the two countries agreed on mechanisms to prevent accidentally trading fire between soldiers of Israel …

  • Mercenaries for Syria recruited in Donetsk.

    An active mercenaries recruitment campaign is underway in Donetsk.Recruiters say that no aggravation is expected in the Donbas region in the nearest future and those on "payroll" will not get paid, but  there is an alternative" - ​​help "brotherly Syrian people."The city of Donetsk is teeming with posters like those of "Crusaders" Battalion calling on brave people to join. The phone number on the posters has Donetsk area code. This means that the recruitment station is located in Donetsk.Only a …