• Kiev issues moratorium on payment of debt

    The government of Ukraine has announced that it will not repay the $3 billion debt owed to Russia by the due date of December 20th.  In addition, a $507 million commercial debt owed to several Russian banks will also be suspended.

    Kiev cited Russia’s refusal to accept repayment terms already offered to other international creditors.

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk did not specify how long the moratorium would last, but acknowledged that the Russian government would take legal action …

  • Aksenov complains about Russia’s promises

    The Russian Federation was slated to provide the Crimea with funds for the development of the peninsula and Sevastopol in particular until the year 2020. This assistance was pegged at 15 billion rubles per year. Close to the end of 2015, Crimea has yet to receive any of the funds from the federal program.

    According to Russian news agency KrymInform, this was announced by the de-facto Prime Minister of Crimea Sergey Aksenov during a round table conference about the annexed territory and the …

  • Polish deputy publishes report on war crimes in eastern Ukraine

    Polish radio reported that the Deputy of the Lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament, Malgorzata Gosiewka, has published a report entitled “Russian War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine in 2014”. According to the report, in 2014 Russian soldiers and pro-Russian rebels committed numerous violations of international law, including the deprivation of freedom, physical and mental torture, robbery and murder.

    The report was initiated by the Ukrainian Rada's request for the International Criminal Court to …

  • Josh Earnest: Putin’s words on Syria due to economic isolation

    The economic sanctions that the West imposed against Russia over its actions in eastern Ukraine have led Russian President Vladimir Putin to seek a unified resolution to the situation in Syria, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated.

    Speaking during his annual end-of-the-year news conference, Putin said he was convinced that Washington was prepared to "move toward settling the issues that can only be settled through joint efforts." The Russian President went on to assert that the …

  • Russian Air Force violated Estonian airspace

    Tallinn has accused Russia of violating its airspace. According to the country's Defense Ministry, a Russian Antonov An-72 military transport plane breached Estonian airspace for less than a minute on Thursday. The incident occured near Vaindloo island, off the country’s northern coast on the Baltic Sea. 

    According the its flight plan, the An-72 was supposed to stay in international airspace, though it flew over Estonian territory without attempting to contact Estonian dispatchers. 

    The …