• Piontkovsky: More countries should participate in the Ukrainian peace process

    In an interview with espresso.tv, Russian historian and opposition leader Andrei Piontkovsky said that Ukraine should invite not only the heads of Germany and France to take part in the negotiations to find a solution to the war in the Donbass region, but also representatives of other Western countries.

    "Merkel and Hollande have already acquired some kind of Stockholm syndrome in relations with Russia and the Donetsk bandits… The Minsk Agreement is their child. They, as a father and a mother …

  • Lithuanian President: Sanctions against Russia will remain in force

    According to Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, the Lithuanian people are better than the most European countries at understanding their Russian neighbor.

    In an interview with ICTV, Grybauskaitė stated that most European countries have a certain quality of remoteness in their relationships with the Russian Federation.  "The people of Lithuania in their own skin understand this relationship.  Italy and Greece are too remote.  They never had historical relations with Russia like we have.  …

  • Russia Spend €1 Billion per Year on State Salaries and Pensions in DPR and LPR

    An investigation conducted by the German magazine, Bild revealed that Russia spends about 1 billion Euros on the salaries and welfare of citizens of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. According to Bild, this amount corresponds to 0.6% of the annual expenses of the Russian budget.

    Moscow spends nearly 79 million Euros every month on salaries of state employees and pensions in so-called DPR and LPR, Bild wrote. About 2.4 billion Rubles (approximately 30 million Euros) …

  • Daniel Fried: Russia is now Taking Sanctions Seriously

    Speaking at American University in Washington on January 15th, the U.S. State Department’s Coordinator for Sanctions, Daniel Fried, stated that the U.S. Government believes that sanctions are an instrument of international policy. According to Fried, economic influences have a greater effect than the use of military force in today’s political climate.

    In recent history, there are examples of both successful and unsuccessful sanctions. For the latter, Fried cites the blockade of Cuba, which, …

  • David Cameron to Discuss Litvinenko Murder with National Security Council

    The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, will hold a meeting next week with the National Security Council in advance of the publishing of a report regarding the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko. The document is expected to reveal the involvement of the Kremlin in the death of the former officer of the Russian FSB (Federal Security Bureau), the Sunday Times reported on the 17th of January.

    The Prime Minister and the National Security Council will discuss the results of the …