• Peskov: Reports of Kremlin involvement in violence at Euro Cup are 'Russophobic'

    The British newspaper The Guardian reported that riots involving Russian fans in France could have been authorized by the Russian government. According to Interfax, on Sunday, June 19th, the Russian President’s Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said it was “Russophobian hysteria.”

    "It does not require any reaction. This is another example of how someone can come to such an extent in his Russophobian hysterics," Peskov said.

    Earlier, The Guardian reported that according to high-level sources in …

  • Merkel to meet with Putin before NATO Summit

    As reported on the 19th of June by several German newspapers and sources in the German Government, Chancellor Angela Merkel intends to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss a resumption of the peace process in eastern Ukraine.

    According to the media, "ideally", the new meeting will be held before the NATO summit on July 8-9th.

    The media reports specified that a "preparatory" meeting in the Normandy format was held this week where such issues as the restoration of the "frozen" …

  • Media: Russia could be completely disqualified from participating in 2016 Olympics

    As reported by the German magazine Der Spiegel, citing participants at the International Olympic Committee (IOC) summit in Lausanne, the IOC can completely remove Russia from the 2016 Olympics or restrict the number of sports in which they can participate.

    As noted, such a scenario will be discussed; however, the agenda of the summit will be determined by IOC president Thomas Bach. According to media reports, he will first discuss this matter with Russian President Vladimir Putin with whom he …

  • Moscow denies reports that the Russian military attacked opposition forces in southern Syria

    Russian military officials rejected the Pentagon’s accusations that Russia had bombed U.S.-backed opposition forces in the south of Syria.

    During a video conference with Russian military officials on June 18th, the Pentagon expressed "grave concern with the attacks on the Al-Tanf garrison that was supported by the international coalition forces."

    The representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, refuted the accusations. In his statement on June 19th, Konashenkov said …

  • Kremlin: Presence of rotational NATO troops near our border violates the NATO-Russia treaty

    The Chief of Staff of the Russian Presidential Administration, Sergei Ivanov, said that the deployment of rotational NATO battalions close to Russia's borders is a violation of the agreement between NATO and the Russian Federation.

    "It makes no difference whether a unit is permanent or it changes, say, every six months. For example, first there were Spaniards and then Portuguese arrived in their stead. In fact they came the day after the Spaniards left so combat readiness does not change. If …