• Ukrainian journalist arrested in Moscow, charged with espionage

    A journalist from the Ukrinform news agency, Roman Sushchenko, was arrested by order of the Lefortovo court of Moscow on charges of espionage. Sushchenko is being held in the Lefortovo detention center. On Sunday, October 2, the Open Russia initiative reported this on its website, quoting human rights activist Zoya Svetova from the Moscow Public Oversight Commission (POC).

    According to Svetova, Sushchenko is being held “in a cell in the quarantine department of Lefortovo prison.” The …

  • Russia's Roskosmos to spend $915 million on new Federation spacecraft

    Roskosmos will spend $915 million to create the first flight model for the new generation of manned spacecraft, "the Federation". This amount was named on the public procurement website. The federal budget of the Russian Federation is indicated as a source of funding.

    The project consists of the development of the “Federation” manned transport spacecraft for flight “into and beyond the Earth orbit, including to the moon.” Interfax news agency published excerpts from the tender documents on …

  • Russia to produce film on the construction of the Kerch Strait Bridge

    The Russian Ministry of Culture posted an announcement on the state procurement website seeking competitive bids for the production of a special project, "a full-length film with partial financial support from the State on the subject of the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait." The film must be completed before the end of November 2017.

    The project budget should not exceed 3 million rubles ($47,700). The Ministry of Culture will accept applications for the production of the …

  • Kadyrov proposes shooting 'violators of the peace'

    The Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, proposed executing the violators of peace in the Republic at the meeting of the regional Government, Novaya Gazeta wrote. “Those who disturb peace in the Chechen Republic should be shot to hell. It doesn’t matter if it’s the law or not. If the issue concerns security, shoot the violators. Do you understand? As-salamu alaykum and everything is fine. That is what we call the law!” Ramzan Kadyrov said.

    Novaya Gazeta quoted Kadyrov exactly from the …

  • Dozens of Ukrainians died due to poisoned alcohol imported by Russian supplier

    A Russian alcohol supplier has been implicated in the alcohol-poisoning deaths of 38 Ukrainian citizens, as the First Deputy Head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Sergey Bilan, wrote on his Facebook page. 

    “We have identified the supplier of the methyl alcohol to the Kharkiv region which has killed 38 people. It was supplied from an enterprise in the Luhansk region, located in Severodonetsk. The enterprise also officially sells methanol and imports the products from the Russian …