• Kremlin warns Google against 'interfering in Russian elections'

    Google, which owns YouTube, has entered into discussions with “the Russian competent authorities” regarding the videos posted by Russian oppositionist Alexei Navalny calling for protests against pension reform, stated Andrey Klimov, chairman of the Russian Federation Council’s temporary commission on protection of state sovereignty.

    “This gives reason to hope for the possibility of preventing interference in the Russian elections by the mentioned American corporation,” he said. If Google …

  • Ukraine to prosecute Russians for illegal entry into the country

    Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the first amendment of the bill No. 7017, which calls for criminal liability for the illegal crossing of Ukraine’s state border by citizens of "the aggressor country". 241 Ukrainian MPS voted for the document prepared by the MPs Iryna Lutsenko and Artur Herasimov.

    The bill approves criminal charges "for the illegal crossing of Ukraine’s state border by a citizen of an aggressor state or by a person supporting interests of the aggressor state". …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko may meet with Trump at the UN General Assembly

    In an interview with BBC News Ukraine, Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Kostiantyn Yelisieiev, who oversees international issues, said that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko may meet with US President Donald Trump at the UN General Assembly. 

    “The president is actively preparing for events connected with the United Nations General Assembly; two-way meetings are being planned as well as participation in general political debates. His speech is scheduled for September 26 …

  • Russia promises to continue military operation in Syria

    At a UN international media seminar, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova confirmed that Russia intends to continue the "fight against terrorism in Syria". According to her, Russia’s own security is at stake.

    “We have killed, are killing and will continue to kill terrorists… And it doesn’t matter whether it’s Aleppo, Idlib or other locations in Syria. Peace must be brought back to Syria,” she stated.

    The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman emphasized that it is not just a matter of …

  • Ukraine decides to strengthen naval presence in the Sea of Azov

    The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) decided to strengthen the naval presence in the Sea of Azov, reported the press service of the NSDC following a meeting.

    "The NSDC of Ukraine approved a set of measures aimed at protecting national interests in the southern regions and waters of the Azov and Black Seas, in particular, strengthening the naval presence in the Sea of Azov, creating a naval armored group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as developing an appropriate …