• Intelligence officer who died in Kyiv provided evidence of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine

    The military intelligence official who died in Kyiv as a result of a terrorist act was Colonel Maxim Shapoval, who was commander of the core intelligence and provided evidence of Russia’s involvement in military aggression against Ukraine, writes LB.ua citing a source in law enforcement bodies of Ukraine.

    “It’s thanks to him that Ukraine could substantiate its position at the Hague regarding Russia’s involvement in military aggression, and before that he provided all such documented facts …

  • Ukrainian government: American companies want to develop river shipping in Ukraine

    At least two companies from the United States have expressed their intention to take part in the development of shipping lines along rivers in Ukraine, as stated by Volodymyr Omelyan, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, following his trip to the USA, Center for Transport Strategies of Ukraine reports.

    “The trip to Washington was successful... More than a dozen meetings with members of Congress from the Republican and Democratic parties were held, negotiations were held with the …

  • Warsaw: Poland cannot take any more refugees since it already accepted more than 1.4 million migrants from Ukraine

    According to the Member of the European Parliament from Poland, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Poland accepted more than 1.4 million migrants from Ukraine, who left their homes because of the conflict in the Donbas.

    “Poland has fulfilled its solidarity part with the European Union, having accepted more than 1.4 million Ukrainians, which EU leaders failed to notice. We want immigrants from [Ukraine in] the east to be counted along with immigrants from [Africa and the Middle East in] the south, but we …

  • German Foreign Ministry: The conflict in Ukraine won’t be resolved quickly

    Both the separatists and the Ukrainian military have violated the ceasefire agreement in the Donbas and it is not likely that the conflict will be resolved in the near future, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, as reported by Reuters.

    “It is very difficult to find a way out after so many years. Of course, we are trying, but it does not seem that we will have a short-term resolution of the crisis in the region,” said the head of MFA of Germany at a …

  • Ukraine urges UN to increase pressure on Russia due to torture of Ukrainians

    Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on UN member states to increase pressure on Russia and force it to comply with its obligations, including the Convention against Torture.

    This was stated in the comments of the Foreign Ministry on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, which is observed on June 26th.

    The Ministry is once again drawing the attention of the international community “to serious and systematic violations of human rights on the part of Russia as an …