Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Kyiv: Putin wants to negotiate with the West a deal on Ukraine

    Adviser to the head of the Ukrainian Presidential Administration Oleksiy Arestovych said that Russian president Vladimir Putin sent his representatives to several Western countries to discuss ending the war against Ukraine and the possibility of agreeing on the already captured territories.

    According to him, the Kremlin's "emissaries" went to several Western countries, Germany, France, Hungary and others, with a narrative "that sounds something like this: we all lost a little bit of temper, we …

  • UN FAO says Russian forces are looting grain in Ukraine and destroying silos

     The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said on Friday that Russian troops have looted stocks of Ukrainian grain and have destroyed agricultural storage facilities.

    As stated by Josef Schmidhuber, a senior official with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, “Grain is being stolen by Russia and transported on trucks into Russia and the same goes for agricultural implements.”

    Schmidhuber said an estimated 700,000 tons of grain has been stolen. He noted that all …

  • US Chairman of Joint Chiefs: Russia's invasion of Ukraine threatens stability throughout world

    During a statement given at a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on the defense budget on Tuesday, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley said the world is witnessing "the greatest threat to peace and security of Europe and perhaps the world” in decades due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    “The Russian invasion of Ukraine is threatening to undermine not only European peace and stability, but global peace and stability that my parents and generations of Americans …

  • Poland has supplied more than 200 tanks to Ukraine

    Poland has provided Ukraine with more than 200 T-72 tanks. This is enough to form two brigades, reports Polskie Radio, citing IAR news agency.

    In addition to tanks, several dozen infantry fighting vehicles were sent to Ukraine. So far, Warsaw has shipped to Ukraine military equipment worth 7 billion zlotys ($1.58 bln). Among the weapons that Ukraine received from Poland are 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers and Grad multiple rocket launcher systems, as well as air-to-air missiles for MIG-29 …

  • Top Russian military chief arrives in Ukraine to oversee the offensive

    Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Army Valery Gerasimov will personally lead the offensive of the Russian troops in the Izyum axis, reported the Ukrainian news website Defense Express.

    According to Defense Express, Gerasimov has allegedly already arrived at the Russian military control centre located near the city of Izyum.

    "Since Gerasimov personally arrived to command an operation not of a strategic, but of an operational-tactical level, it means that the Kremlin's plan to create a …

  • Putin gives another excuse for invasion of Ukraine and threatens to use new weapons

    Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine happened because "Kyiv was pushed from the outside to a direct clash with Russia," said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Council of the Federal Assembly. According to him, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prevented "a large-scale conflict in the territory of Russia."

    According to Putin, Russia's opponents, who were allegedly preparing for war in Russia, "do not need such an independent, large, even huge, country."

    "They believe that it presents a …

  • Germany to supply anti-aircraft systems to Ukraine

    The German government is likely to allow the supply of Flakpanzer Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled guns from its industrial reserves to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, repots Der Spiegel, citing its sources.

    According to the newspaper, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht will announce this today at an Allied conference at the Ramstein air base in Germany.

    Also, according to the source, she will announce that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be trained to operate Panzerhaubitze 2000 …

  • UK to send Stormer armored vehicles and Starstreak AA missiles to Ukraine

    UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace announced Monday that Britain will send a “small number” of Stormer armored vehicles fitted with launchers for Starstreak anti-air missiles to Ukraine to bolster the country’s air defenses.

    Wallace told the House of Commons the Stormers would offer improved "short-range anti-air capabilities both day and night".

    The anti-aircraft missiles can be used to target fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.

    He added the Starstreak missiles had already been deployed to …

  • Russian Ambassador: Moscow wants to ‘stabilize’ relations with US, warns against sending weapons to Ukraine

    Russia’s Ambassador in Washington, Anatoly Antonov, told the Russian 24 TV Channel that Russia hopes not only “to stabilize, which is what we want now… but to develop” relations with the United States.

    Last week in an interview with Politico, Antonov admitted that he hasn’t had a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin since the former departed for Washington in 2017.

    “Frankly, we are in a blockade,” Antonov says of himself and the embassy. “When I came to Washington, my idea was …

  • Switzerland vetoes supply of heavy weapons from Germany to Ukraine

    The position of the Swiss authorities may become an unexpected obstacle for supplying heavy weapons from Germany to Ukraine. The Swiss government has vetoed  Germany’s request to ship Swiss-made ammunition used in the Marder infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) to Ukraine, the Swiss newspaper Sonntags Zeitung reported, citing a representative of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

    "SECO has received two requests from Germany for the shipment of ammunition previously produced in …