Contents tagged with trump

  • US Embassy announces approximate date of Zelensky and Trump meeting

    The US chargé d’affaires in Ukraine, William Taylor told Eurointegration in an interview that the presidents of Ukraine and the United States Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump will meet in the fall.

    According to him, a short meeting of the leaders may be held in Warsaw or New York, and a long meeting of the two presidents may be organized in a month or two.

    "There will be a short meeting in Warsaw or New York. It will be an opportunity for presidents to say hello to each other. Maybe, to …

  • Trump may get involved in Donbas negotiations

    US President Donald Trump could take part in talks to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine, said US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker in an interview with The Ukrainian Week (Tyzhden).

    Volker observed that the US president could get involved if Russia had a constructive stance. The format of such talks is not yet being discussed.

    “If there are signs that [Russia] is serious and is prepared to really put an end to the conflict, I am certain that this is very important to …

  • Putin sends his condolences to Trump over Texas and Ohio shootings

    Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to US President Donald Trump in connection with the mass shootings in Ohio and Texas, reads the message posted on the Kremlin's website.

    Earlier on August 4 in the city of Dayton, Ohio, a man opened fire, killing ten people (including the attacker). Twenty-six were injured.

    The day before, on August 3, 20 people were killed in a shooting in a supermarket in the city of El Paso, Texas. Twenty-six people were injured

  • Poland: Putin’s attendance at WWII anniversary would be inappropriate

    It would be inappropriate for Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend the events commemorating the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, said Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jacek Sasin.

    Sasin called the Russian president “the leader of a country that is using armed aggression against its neighbors”. “And I think that it would be inappropriate to commemorate the anniversary of armed aggression against Poland with the attendance of a leader who is using the same methods against his …

  • Hezbollah partially withdraws from Syria

    In an interview on an Al-Manar TV channel, the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization Hassan Nasrallah said that Hezbollah reduced its presence in Syria.

    "Our troops are still in all the locations in Syria where they were before. But we have reduced the forces to the number that is necessary now," he said, and added that "despite the tough sanctions, they will return if it is be needed."

    He also warned Israel and the Gulf countries that the war with the US and Iran would lead to a …

  • For the first time Ukraine asks to buy weapons from US

    For the first time, Ukraine has asked to purchase weapons from the US, the US Embassy to Ukraine reported.

    “I am pleased to announce that, for the first time, Ukraine has asked to purchase military equipment through the US Defense Department’s sale program. We are starting the process of considering this request. The US adamantly takes the stance of supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and the reformation of its defense sector,” said US Chargé d’Affaires for Ukraine William …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky: only Trump can stop Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    During his visit to Lviv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed hope that the issue of the construction of the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline will be resolved in favor of Ukraine after his meeting with US President Donald Trump, reports Ukrinform.

    "The question about the construction of Nord stream 2 was answered a long time ago. So, there is no need to speculate on this topic, same as people are speculating about Russia's return to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. …

  • Hungarian Foreign Minister: US urges Hungary to let Ukraine into NATO

    The Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Péter Szijjártó said in an interview with Radio Liberty that the United States during negotiations with Hungary repeatedly raised the issue of Budapest's blocking Ukraine's entry to the North Atlantic Alliance.

    "For them [the US], it is a matter of geopolitics. The US sees it as a geopolitical issue from overseas. However, we're Ukraine's neighbors! One hundred fifty thousand Hungarians are living here [in Ukraine]. Therefore, it is not surprising …

  • Russia officially withdraws from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    On Wednesday, July 3, Russia officially withdrew from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that makes it the president’s prerogative to decide whether to resume participation in the agreement. The law was passed by Russia’s State Duma on 18 June and ratified by the Federation Council on 26 June.

    The INF treaty was signed by the US and USSR in 1987, and sought to eliminate an entire class of missiles. The document prohibits the …

  • Putin promises to ‘do everything possible’ to improve relations with US

    At a press conference in Osaka, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Kremlin will do everything possible to improve relations with the United States amid diplomatic conflicts arising from the annexation of Crimea, the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, and the accusations of Russian meddling in the US 2016 presidential elections.

    Putin described his meeting with Trump as businesslike and pragmatic.

    “I think that we have a mutual understanding that we need to somehow get out of this …