Contents tagged with Russia

  • Kazakhstan explains why Musk’s rockets are better than Russia’s

    The first two Kazakhstani scientific satellites will be launched using a Falcon-9 launch rocket developed by Elon Musk’s company SpaceX, because this will be cheaper than launching using a Russian rocket, said Aset Nurkenov, spokesperson for the Kazakhstani Ministry of Defense and the Aerospace Industry, as quoted by Interfax. He noted that in future, Kazakhstan may launch “space apparatus of such a configuration” from its Baikonur Cosmodrome using Soyuz and Proton rockets.

    “This time we are …

  • Russian government debt auction fails for third consecutive week

    For three weeks running, the Russian Finance Ministry has been failing in its attempts to borrow money on the market, reports.

    At the Federal Loan Bond (OFZ) auctions on Wednesday, the department was once again unable to sell the targeted amount. Out of a stated 20 billion rubles, the finance ministry was only able to raise 11.1 billion, despite the fact that buyers were offered notable discounts compared to market prices.

    Both auctions can be considered “failures”, commented Loko- …

  • Media: procurement of Russian missile corporation controlled by daughter of Putin’s adviser

    The daughter of Boris Obnosov, CEO of the Russian state corporation Tactical Missile Weaponry (KTRV), is the partial owner of the company through which all state procurements for strategic missile production take place. An investigation by Novaya Gazeta has uncovered that the son-in-law of Sergei Prikhodko, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Presidential Administration, is also involved in the chain of companies created around the defense enterprise.

    In 2012, Obnosov ordered for all …

  • Monaco authorities charge Russian billionaire Rybolovlev with corruption

    The Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev who was detained on November 6 in Monaco was charged with fraud in the case related to known Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier, reported the French newspaper Nice-Matin.

    The newspaper did not report what specific charges were laid against the owner of the Monaco football club AS Monaco, however it notes that he was charged in the case of corruption and "influence peddling". Apart from Rybolovlev, authorities also charged the billionaire’s lawyer, Tetiana …

  • US expresses concern over deployment of Russian S-300 missile systems in Syria

    The United States Special Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey once again stated Washington’s concern over the Russian S-300 systems in Syria.

    According to him, especially concerning is the low level of preparation of Syrian personnel who will be operating the systems.

    At a telephone briefing in Brussels, Jeffrey also noted that the S-300 limits Israel’s ability to strike Iran’s forces in Syria which can attack Israel. The speaker of the State Department expressed his full …

  • Libyan Marshal meets with Russian Defense Minister

    On Wednesday, November 7, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu met the commander of the Libyan National Army Marshal Khalifa Haftar in the ministry building in Moscow, reported Ria Novosti with reference to the Defense Ministry.

    The ministry reported that Lavrov and Haftar discussed security issues in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as problems related to the fight against terrorism and the reconciliation of the crisis in Libya.

    In October, The Sun reported that “a few dozen” …

  • Lavrov expresses concern over NATO activity near Russian borders

    RIA Novosti reports that the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov stated that Russia could not disregard the increase in NATO activity near their borders.

    “We cannot disregard such a serious destabilizing factor in the Atlantic, as the revitalization of NATO activities on the Russian border,” he said following talks in Madrid with the Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell.

    Lavrov added that he discussed with his Spanish colleague the relationship between Russia and the European Union and …

  • Herashchenko: Russia announced its recognition of 'pseudo-elections' in Donbas

    Representative of Ukraine in the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) on the issues of the Donbas Iryna Herashchenko stated that Moscow officially announced its intention to recognize the results of the so-called “elections” in the territories of the Donbas which are not under Ukraine's control during the meetings of the working groups and the Trilateral Contact Group.

    “The Ukrainian side  states: the Russian Federation, which launched the pseudo-elections in the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk, “ …

  • Macron proposes to create EU army

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced that it is necessary to create a "real European army", "taking into account Russia, China and even the United States.", reports DW.

    According to him, without their own army, Europeans will not be able to defend themselves. Russia stands at our borders, and this can be a threat," he added.

    Noting that “peace in Europe is fragile,” the president recalled attacks in cyberspace and repeated attempts to “interfere in democratic processes”. At the same …

  • US aircraft conducts reconnaissance flight near annexed Crimea

    A US Navy P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine patrol aircraft flew near the Kerch Strait, as reported on Tuesday, November 6 by Interfax, citing the monitoring data of Western aviation resources. The American aircraft took off from Sigonella Naval Air Station in Sicilia, Italy and held a long flight over the international waters of the Black Sea, 35 km south of the entrance to the Kerch Strait.

    During its flight, the Poseidon also flew near Sevastopol and the coast of Krasnodar Krai.

     A US Air Force …