Contents tagged with Putin

  • Putin to visit Crimea on Friday

    The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, will visit the Crimea on Friday, August 19, 2016, as reported by RBC with reference to two sources close to the Kremlin and also to a source close to the political representation of the Southern Federal District.

    The edition notes that the visit of the head of state to be held two weeks after the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation has detained saboteurs who they consider to be representatives of the Intelligence Service …

  • Media: Putin is shaking up his inner circle due to lack of state funds

    Russian President Vladimir Putin removed six people from his inner circle due to the State’s lack of money, as reported by the Russian Vedomosti newspaper, citing sources close to the Kremlin.

    The following people lost their positions this year: the President of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin; the head of the Federal Guard Service, Eugene Murov; Director of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Ivanov; Director of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovskiy; and the Director …

  • Putin accuses Ukraine of 'transitioning to terror' instead of seeking peace

    Commenting on Ukraine’s alleged involvement in a terrorist attack in the Crimea that was reportedly thwarted by the FSB, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he does not see the point of holding a meeting of the Normandy Four, Deutsche Welle reported.

    Putin accused Ukraine of "transitioning to terror" instead of dealing with conflict issues at the negotiating table.

    "There are losses from the Russian side, two soldiers were killed. We certainly will not ignore such things. I would like …

  • Erdogan is looking forward to talks with his 'friend Vladimir' Putin

    The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hopes that negotiations with the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, in St. Petersburg will open a new page in the relationship between the two countries.

    "It will be a historic visit, a new beginning.  In talks with my friend Vladimir, I believe, it will be the opening of a new page our bilateral relations.  Our countries have much to do together," Erdogan said in an interview with TASS ahead of his visit to Russia.

    Russia's participation is very …

  • 45 percent of Norwegians consider Russia to be a serious threat to their country

    Almost half of Norwegians think that Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin, are a serious threat to their country, as shown in the results of an Ipsos poll conducted for Dagbladet, Norwegian channel TV2 reported.

    In particular, 1,000 people answered the question "to what extent does Russia and its President pose a real threat to the security of Norway?" 8% of respondents answered that the threat is very significant and 37% said it is significant.

    44% of respondents believe that the threat …

  • Peskov: Putin's schedule will no longer be sent to journalists

     The Russian President’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, announced that the Kremlin will no longer send Vladimir Putin’s tentative schedule to media agencies, RBC reported.

    “The mailing will no longer exist because the President’s schedule is not a dogma,” Peskov said.

    According to him, this decision was made “in order to avoid needless discussions later on the cancellation of actions that had not been [finalized].”

    “Some events may be worked through and charted out, but officially we do not …

  • Trump says he may not back NATO allies if invaded by Russia

    In an interview with the New York Times, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested that the United States wouldn’t come to the defense of NATO allies, such as the Baltic states, if they haven’t “fulfilled their obligation” to the US.

    Trump has repeatedly stated that most Alliance member states are not making the necessary financial contributions to NATO. In the past, the real estate mogul has said that “the US must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves.”

    In April, …

  • Putin and Erdogan to meet in early August

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will meet in the first week of August in Russia, according to Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reported.

    "Indeed, today, through diplomatic channels, a meeting between Putin and Erdoğan was prepared and worked out. We agreed that this meeting will take place in early August, will be in the Russian Federation, but the city and the date weren’t specified,” Peskov stated.

    Putin and Erdoğan held a …

  • Peskov confirmed the possibility of a meeting between Putin and Erdogan in August

    The Press Secretary of the President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov, said that the Kremlin confirms the possibility of a meeting between the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in August, RIA Novosti reports.

    "A meeting was discussed and it may take place in August," Peskov said.

    It is noted that a source in the office of the Turkish President told television channel NTV that the meeting between Putin and Erdogan may occur at the beginning of …

  • Russian postal service will need $8 billion to execute new anti-terror law

    According to preliminary estimates, the Russian Post will need more than half a trillion rubles (approximately $8 billion) to purchase the equipment required to comply with the anti-terrorism package signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 7, as reported by the Russian TASS news agency, citing a source in the Russian Pos.

    "If the new technical equipment will have to be installed in all 42,000 post offices, it will require both the purchase of this special equipment, and the …