Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • NATO will never accept illegal annexation of Crimea

    On September 22 NATO Sectetary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke at the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine in Kyiv.

    "It is an honour to meet Ukraine´s National Security and Defence Council today. This council plays a key role in upholding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. I´m looking forward to our discussions today.  

    Ukraine and NATO have been Partners for almost 20 years. I am proud of everything we have achieved together. Ukrainian troops have worked …

  • AP - Ukraine's richest man plays both sides of war's frontline

     KRASNODON, Ukraine (AP) — In this town deep in eastern Ukraine's rebel heartland, about a quarter of the population works in the coal mines owned by billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine's richest man. Here and elsewhere in territory controlled by the separatist insurgency, the tycoon keeps the lights on and people clothed and fed, with a mixture of jobs, electricity and aid.

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  • Anti-Russian painting of Lugansk teen shook social networks

    Social media is taken by a painting of a 15 year old girl from the city of Kreminna, Luhansk region. The young artist reflects her vision on Russia.

    The picture was originally published on Facebook by Vladimir Fitio.

    "I was mesmerised by the painting. I got this painting as a gift from a young artist in Lugansk region of Eastern Ukraine. This is how nowadays teenagers see everything Russian. That's how teens relate to all things Russian. This generation is our future and we'll stand till our …

  • NATO chief: Russian military still in Eastern Ukraine

    NATO chief: Many sources indicate that Russian military is still in Eastern Ukraine.

    Many intelligence sources indicate that Russia continues to support the separatists and its military are still in eastern Ukraine.This was announced by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a joint press conference with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv."The information we received today proves again and gives a detailed picture of what we have been observing for a long time now" - he said." …

  • Ukraine and NATO roadmap signed.

    Turchinov: Fundamental documents signed between Ukraine and NATO.

    Kyiv, Tuesday September 22

    After an extended meeting, Secretary of the National Defense and Security Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have signed the roadmap of the partnership program on strategic communications between the NSDC and the NATO International Secretariat.

    The partnership program is aimed at implementing comprehensive support for Ukraine in the strategic …

  • Monument to Heavenly Hundred unveiled in Chicago

    The Nebesna Sotnya (Heavenly Hundred) monument unveiled near St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bloomingdale, IL is the first monument in the U.S. to commemorate the fallen heroes of EuroMaidan Revolution.The Consecration ceremony was conducted by Filarete, the Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine.Among those who took part in the grand opening was  Natalia Jaresko, Ukrainian Minister of Finance; Larissa Herasko, Consul General of Ukraine in Chicago; Bruce Raunera, the governor of Illinois …

  • First 'Refuseniks' for the Russian mission to Syria

    It is a well known fact now that Russia is sending not only military equipment and weapons, but also its personnel to Syria. Compared with the average salary of a military in The Russian Federation, it's mercenaries get paid very good money. But as reported, there appear the first "refuseniks" who would not go to the "far away hot lands" whatever the pay might be.

    Unrests started in one of the units in the Eastern Military District of the Russian Federation, because of soldiers refusing to go …

  • Ukraine Navy to buy new vessels

    According to Vice Adm. Sergey Hayduk, the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Ukraine is plannig to sell the Navy’s cruiser Ukraina and use the funds to purchase new military vessels.

    "The proceedings from its sale will be used to build new ships," Hayduk said, as reported by local broadcaster Espreso TV.It is reported that up to 80 percent of the weapons and navigation equipment installed onboard the Ukraina were acquired from Russia, and they are not produced by the Ukrainian defense industry. …

  • Russian Airlines to lose tens of millions of dollars due to Ukrainian Sanctions.

    Russian airlines could suffer increased costs of tens of millions of dollars due to Ukrainian sanctions imposed earlier this week. The sanctions will bar them from flying through Ukraine's territory, extending flight times to popular destinations by up to 40 minutes, the TASS news agency reported Thursday.

    The Russian airline industry is already struggling with the country's recession, which has collapsed demand for international travel and forced government bailouts and industry consolidation. …

  • Mercenaries for Syria recruited in Donetsk.

    An active mercenaries recruitment campaign is underway in Donetsk.Recruiters say that no aggravation is expected in the Donbas region in the nearest future and those on "payroll" will not get paid, but  there is an alternative" - ​​help "brotherly Syrian people."The city of Donetsk is teeming with posters like those of "Crusaders" Battalion calling on brave people to join. The phone number on the posters has Donetsk area code. This means that the recruitment station is located in Donetsk.Only a …