Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Three Ukrainian soldiers killed in the Donbas

    On Saturday, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed in action and one was injured in the Donbas region, RBC-Ukraine reported.

    Alexander Motuzyanik, the head of the press center staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the conflict zone, said that the casualties occurred in the course of two separate incidents.

    "Over the past day three Ukrainian soldiers were killed. One soldier received fatal injuries during the shelling of positions near Talakovki. Two defenders were killed by an enemy mine …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador angered by Ban Ki-moon's praise of Russia's role in Ukraine's peace process

    Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), Volodymyr Yelchenko, has voiced his anger at statements made by the UN’s Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon.

    Ki-moon has said that Russia should play a crucial role in ending the conflict in Donbas.

    According to Yelchenko, he does not understand how the head of the UN can “make statements, which are actually praising Russia’s role in resolving the conflict, when Russia is actually a major player in aggression towards Ukraine and in …

  • Turchynov: the West is reluctant to supply Ukraine with weapons

    Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Alexander Turchynov said that during his incumbency he became disappointed with the unwillingness of Western partners to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons.

    "I was unable to convince our strategic partners that military-technical assistance to Ukraine is a direct consequence of the Budapest Memorandum and, in the end, it's for their protection too! I constantly argued at all international meetings that a strong Ukrainian army …

  • Bellingcat unveils new evidence of Russian military presence in Ukraine

    The Google Earth search engine unveiled satellite images that show the situation on the border between Russia and Ukraine on August 26, 2014, during the peak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    These satellite images show the deployment of Russian military vehicles and artillery weaponry, as well as newly laid tracks to Ukraine. The dates of these satellite images coincide with a major surge in Russian activity in Ukraine near the border crossings, including when Russian soldiers were seen in …

  • Poltorak: 623 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed or wounded in 2016

    The situation in eastern Ukraine is becoming increasingly tense

    Ukrainian Defense Minister and Army General, Stepan Poltorak, stated that 623 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed or wounded in 2016, a statement by the Defense Ministry's press service reads.

    "The situation in eastern Ukraine is becoming increasingly tense. This year the enemy has already violated the ceasefire about 7,000 times. The enemy uses forbidden armament - artillery systems and MRLS," Poltorak stated.

    According to …

  • Poroshenko orders that a plan for guerrilla warfare be created in the event of a Russian invasion

    Ukraine should prepare for the deployment of guerrilla troops against Russian aggression, the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, said at the scientific-practical conference "Lessons of the Hybrid War: Military Aspects" with the General Staff.

    "To adequately respond to the actions of the aggressor we must summarize our experience and predict the future actions of the Russian Federation against our country. We should always search for effective strategies to protect us against ‘hybrid …

  • The Pope establishes Assistance Committee for Ukrainians affected by the war in the Donbas

    Pope Francis established a special committee for distributing funds collected for Ukrainians affected by the war in the Donbas. The fund is called The Pope for Ukraine and is aimed at providing assistance for war victims irrespective of their nationality or religion, Vatican Radio reports.

    The committee will distribute funds and consists of four members. It will be chaired by Jan Sobiło, the Auxiliary Bishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia. The Committee will consider proposals from "interreligious and …

  • Herashchenko: Ukraine suffered a record number of casualties in the Donbas in recent weeks

    According to the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Iryna Herashchenko, Russia continues to demonstrate disrespect for the Minsk process.

    “We have a record number of killed and injured people in the ATO zone in recent weeks, Herashchenko stated during the round table meeting that took place on 13th of June, RBK-Ukraine reported. At the same time, she noted that Russia’s violation of the ceasefire was a clear sign of their disrespect of process.

    “I wish to assure you that Ukraine and …

  • Ukrainian losses continue on the front line in eastern Ukraine

    According to a report released by the press service of the Ukrainian President’s administration, separatists continue ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine.

    On Friday, two Ukrainian servicemen were killed and ten were injured, according to the press secretary of the administration of the Ukrainian President, Andriy Lysenko.

    “Over the previous day one Ukrainian soldier was killed in the course of the hostilities on the front line in eastern Ukraine. Another servicemen was killed as a result …

  • Head of Ukrainian Security Services: Another separatist republic nearly emerged in the Odessa region last year

    There were attempts last year to establish a separatist “Bessarabian Republic” on the territory of 9 districts in the Odessa region, as stated by the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), Vasyl Hrytsak, during the opening of the Service's Public Recepton Office, Ukrainskaya Pravda reported.

    According to him, the attempts were facilitated by “the secret services of the foreign countries... By April 2015, they were planning to begin an operation to establish the separatist republic by …