Contents tagged with Syria

  • Russia: Syria did not respond to Israeli airstrikes due to civilian planes in area

    The Syrian military refused to use air defense systems during Israeli airstrikes because of two civilian aircraft flying in the area, said the deputy head of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit.

    The incident occurred on the evening of October 13, Kulit said, from 23:35 to 23.39 four tactical fighters F-16 of the Israeli Air Force "entered Syrian airspace in the area of the US-occupied territory of al-Tanf, located in the province …

  • Turkish forces open fire on Russian helicopters in Syria

    The war in Syria, which has claimed more than 350,000 lives, is entering a new round of escalation before the meeting of the presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    According to Al Arabiya, on Sunday, Turkish forces opened fire on a helicopter of the Russian Aerospace Forces, carrying out a mission on the outskirts of the Al-Hasakah province in the north of Syria.

    The helicopter was able to avoid being hit by a missile by shooting heat traps that blind …

  • Russia offers Saudi Arabia weapons ‘tested in Syria’

    Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin and his Saudi counterpart Prince Khaled bin Salman signed an intergovernmental agreement on military cooperation. The signing ceremony was attended by the head of the Russian Defense Ministry, Sergey Shoygu.

    On August 23, Sergey Shoygu held talks at the forum "Army-2021" with Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman, reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Shoygu told Prince Khalid bin Salman that the Russian Defense Ministry is interested in dynamic …

  • Russia praises Syrian Army success in countering Israel’s air strikes

    Russian news agency RIA Novosti reports, citing the deputy head of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, that Syrian air defense systems shot down two missiles launched from Israeli F-16 fighters during the last attack.

    According to Kulit, the Israeli Air Force targeted an unnamed facility located in the town of Set Zaynab, 10km south of Damascus.

    Kulit said the incident occurred on Sunday night. The Russian Rear Admiral said that …

  • Russia claims Syrian air defense systems intercepted 7 missiles during last Israeli airstrike

    On the night of July 20, Russian missile defense systems Pantsir-S and BUK-M2 were used in Syria, but they failed to intercept all the missiles, reported the Russian "Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria" on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    According to the Russian military, half an hour before midnight, four F-16 fighter jrets of the Israeli Air Force entered the territory of Syria and launched 8 missiles on the Syrian Army targets and …

  • Russia deploys to Syria fighter jets capable of carrying hypersonic missiles

    Russia has begun joint exercises of its permanent Mediterranean flotilla and aircraft of the Russian Air Force, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The maneuvers involve five ships: the missile cruiser Moskva, frigates Admiral Essen and Admiral Makarov, submarines Stary Oskol and Rostov-on-Don, as well as anti-submarine and strategic aircraft. The drills began against the backdrop of the anti-ISIS operation of British aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth. According to the Russian …

  • Russia deploys three long-range Tu-22M bombers to Syria

    Three long-range Tu-22M3 bombers landed at a Russian air base in Syria. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Tu-22M3 bombers arrived at Khmeimim airbase for the first time. The Russian Defense Ministry added that the arrival of the bombers was possible after the upgrade of the second runway. The runway was lengthened, received new coating and new lighting and radio equipment were installed on it. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the airbase can now be used by aircraft of all …

  • Syria accuses Israel of overnight air strike

    Military targets in Syria were attacked by Israeli warplanes at around 2 a.m., reported the Syrian new agency SANA.

    According to SANA, “some of the enemy's missiles have been shot down."

    "The Israeli enemy carried out air aggression from the side of Latakia at several targets in the coastal zone," Sana reported.

    According to the Syrian military, "Israeli aggression resulted in the death of a civilian and six injured, including a child and his mother, in addition to some material losses, …

  • Brother of murdered Syrian demands Kremlin open criminal case against Wagner mercenaries

    The brother of Syrian resident Mohammad E., who was killed by the mercenaries of the Wagner private military company, has filed an application with the Russian Investigative Committee demanding to open a criminal case against the Russians involved in his brother’s execution, reported Novaya Gazeta with reference to the complainant's lawyers.

    The murder took place in 2017. Earlier, Novaya Gazeta published footage of the Wagner mercenaries with a severed head of Mohammad E. The newspaper was …

  • Kremlin condemns U.S. airstrike in Syria

    Russia strongly condemns the U.S. airstrike in Syria on a building linked to a pro-Iranian militia, said the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova at the briefing.

    "We call for unconditional respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria. We strongly reject any attempt to turn Syrian territory into an arena for settling geopolitical differences," she said.

    Earlier, the U.S. Defense Department reported on an airstrike in Syria on the orders of President Joe Biden. …