Contents tagged with Stoltenberg

  • Stoltenberg's warning: Europe must brace for a decade-long war in Ukraine

    The stronger Europe's support for Ukraine, the sooner the war will end, believes current NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. On the other hand, the longer the war continues, the greater the chances of a Russian victory.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is confident that time is on his side. Therefore, European countries should consider that the Russian-Ukrainian war could last for 10 years. Its duration depends on how long and how strongly Europeans will support the Ukrainians, said …

  • Stoltenberg and Orban strike 'fair deal' over NATO missions in Ukraine

    Hungary opposes NATO missions in Ukraine and refuses to assist in this effort. However, as Prime Minister Viktor Orban assured, official Budapest will not "put obstacles in the way."

    Officially, Hungary has declined to participate in the North Atlantic Alliance's assistance programs for Ukraine, but it will not prevent other allies from providing support to Kyiv. This was stated by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg after talks in Budapest, according to Russian Interfax.

    "Hungary will …

  • NATO Secretary General speaks about threat of war after talks with Russia fail

    The second round of negotiations on Russia's security guarantees, which took place on Wednesday in Brussels at the level of the Russia-NATO Council, predictably brought no results.

    NATO rejected Russia’s demands for non-expansion to the east, cancelling the decision to accept Georgia and Ukraine into the Alliance and NATO’S withdrawal to its 1997 borders.

    "Only Ukraine and 30 allies (NATO member countries) can decide when Ukraine can become a member of NATO. No one else. And of course, Russia …

  • Stoltenberg: there can be no compromises with Russia regarding NATO enlargement

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance will not compromise with Russia on the issue of enlargement. According to him, NATO is not ready to abandon its fundamental principles.

    “On Wednesday, Allies will meet with Russia in the NATO-Russia Council. The meeting will focus on the situation in and around Ukraine.And the implications for European security. I also welcome that the United States and Russia will hold talks in Geneva on Monday. And that the OSCE will meet on …

  • NATO Secretary General does not rule out Russia's involvement in forced landing of Ryanair plane in Minsk

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with the British radio station Times Radio that there were indirect signs that Russia may have been involved in the emergency landing of the Ryanair plane in Minsk. According to Stoltenberg, Russia's cooperation with Belarus is one such sign.

    Stoltenberg said that he cannot divulge the details of the intelligence data regarding the incident, but the landing of the plane was not only a violation of airspace rules but also an "attack …

  • Stoltenberg assures Zelensky of NATO's support amid escalation in Donbas

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky amid Russia's military build-up along Ukrainian borders, said Stoltenberg on Twitter.

    "I called President Zelensky to express serious concern about Russia’s military activities in and around Ukraine & ongoing ceasefire violations. NATO firmly supports Ukraine’s sovereignty & territorial integrity. We remain committed to our close partnership," Stoltenberg wrote.

    “During the conversation, Zelensky informed …

  • Stoltenberg: Russia would not have captured Crimea if Ukraine had been in NATO in 2014

    The Russian Federation would not have annexed Crimea if Ukraine had been a NATO member as of 2014, because other members of the Alliance would have stood up for Ukraine, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in his speech at the College of Europe in Bruges, RBC-Ukraine reports.

    "My short answer is that this would not have happened, because the purpose of NATO is to protect every ally," Stoltenberg said.

    He added that NATO uses a "one for all and all for one" rule if one of the Allies …

  • Stoltenberg tells Ukraine to focus on reforms to gain NATO membership

    Ukraine needs to focus on reforms and this will bring it closer to membership in NATO, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, reports Evropeiska Pravda.

    Commenting on the question of Ukrainian President Zelensky to Biden, "why is Ukraine not yet in NATO?", Stoltenberg recalled that in 2008 at the Bucharest summit the Alliance decided on the future membership of Ukraine. But he stressed that Kyiv should focus its efforts …

  • Stoltenberg: Russian troops in Transnistria violate Moldova's territorial integrity

    The presence of the Russian military in Transnistria is a violation of Moldova's territorial integrity, stated NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "Russia illegally annexed Crimea. It continues to destabilize eastern Ukraine. Russian troops are in parts of Georgia and Moldovan Transnistria. This is a violation of Moldova's territorial integrity, and it is another example of how Russia very often fails to comply with international …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO must strengthen its presence in the Black Sea region

    NATO should continue to strengthen its positions in the Black Sea region in light of the "growing Russian military presence in the annexed Crimea", said by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels, ahead of the NATO Foreign Ministers' Council, which will be held on December 1-2 over video link.

    "We see that Russia is increasing its military presence (in the Black Sea region), and especially in Crimea. This is the reason why we should continue to increase our …