Contents tagged with SBU

  • Ukraine's SBU thwarts Russian FSB plot to assassinate Zelensky and other high-ranking officials

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has exposed a network of agents belonging to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) who were reportedly preparing an assassination attempt on the President of Ukraine, the SBU press service reports.

    An agent network, which the SBU had previously uncovered with assistance from the State Security Administration, was tasked with executing the plot, which was orchestrated by the FSB from Moscow. Two colonels from the Ukrainian State Security Administration …

  • Ukrainian Security Service allegedly behind assassination attempt on former Ukrainian parliament member Oleg Tsarev

    Former Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and one of the leaders of the DPR and LPR separatists, Oleg Tsarev, was the target of an assassination attempt organized by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), a source in the special service told Ukrainian media.

    "He has long been on the list of traitors who must answer for their crimes. Tsarev is a completely legitimate target. He is not just a fanatic of the 'Russian world', but a person who personally came with Russian tanks to capture Kyiv," …

  • Ukrainian Security Service attacks Russian airfield in Kursk using kamikaze drones

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reportedly carried out an attack on an airfield in Kursk, Russia, on the night of August 27, according to sources from the SBU who spoke to RBC-Ukraine.

    The SBU's military counterintelligence conducted the attack, using kamikaze drones to target four Su-30 aircraft and one MiG-29 at the Kursk airfield. Two Pantsir air defense systems and the radars of the S-300 system were also hit.

    Preliminary information suggests that most of the SBU drones successfully …

  • Ukrainian Security Service discloses details of explosion on the Crimean Bridge in autumn of 2022

    The Head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Vasyl Malyuk, revealed in an interview with the Ukrainian news portal New Voice, how his special service orchestrated an explosion on the Crimean Bridge in October 2022. Malyuk stated that only he and two trusted employees were involved in devising and executing the plan. Multiple operation options were initially considered, including utilizing the railway portion of the bridge. Ultimately, the decision was made to employ a truck laden with …

  • Ukrainian Security Service detains Russian mercenaries planning to assassinate Ukrainian Defense Minister and Military Intelligence Chief

    As a result of a multi-stage special operation, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) neutralized a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces  (better known as the GRU). The members of the group were preparing assassinations of the Ukrainian Defense Minister, the Chief of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate and a well-known Ukrainian activist.

    According to the SBU, the group consisted of career employees of the Russian military …

  • Ukrainian Security Service has identified almost 900 Russian servicemen responsible for war crimes in Kyiv region

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported that it had identified almost 900 Russian servicemen who committed crimes against civilians in the Kyiv region. "The Ukrainian special services have all the information on the occupiers, as well as evidence of their atrocities," said SBU spokesman Artem Dekhtyarenko.

    According to him, the SBU is currently verifying more than 2,500 Russian soldiers who serve in units that were deployed to the Kyiv region. As part of the investigation, 7,000 …

  • Kyiv: Russia tried to create breakaway republics in western Ukraine

    The Russian authorities planned to create so-called "people's republics" in the western regions of Ukraine. Preparations to overthrow the constitutional order have been carried out since the last summer, reported the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU).

    The SBU published a video of the interrogation of a member of this group who agreed to cooperate with investigators.

    The person said he was recruited by a retired Russian intelligence officer - the organizer of the "plot". He proposed to create a …

  • Ukraine's representative in talks with Russia killed while being detained by Ukrainian Security Service

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) shot and killed during the detention a member of the Ukrainian negotiating team Denis Kireyev. He was suspected of high treason, reported Ukrayinska Pravda and several Ukrainian media outlets, citing representatives of the security forces and politicians.

    According to Ukrayinska Pravda, the SBU had solid proof of Kireyev's treason, including recordings of telephone conversations. Kireyev participated in the first round of negotiations between Ukraine and …

  • Ukrainian Security Service detains former MP of Luhansk People’s Republic

    Counterintelligence of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has detained a former "MP" of so-called Luhansk People’s Republic.

    SBU officials found that in 2014 this individual took part in establishing illegal government bodies in the territory of the Luhansk region which is not under Ukraine’s control. The individual was also involved in the creation and adoption of the "LPR constitution".

    While executing the arrest warrant, the SBU found a "LPR passport ", as well as "LPR registration …

  • Ukrainian Security Service blocks transit channel of Russian military equipment through Ukraine

    Counterintelligence of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) blocked the international channel for transit through Ukraine of Russian military goods destined to the countries on the UN Security Council sanctions list, reported the SBU press service.

    "Law enforcement officers have documented and stopped the illegal activities of the management of one of the Kyiv based companies, which planned to illegally supply helicopter equipment components to one of the African countries," the statement …