Contents tagged with Pashinyan

  • Russia raises gas price for Armenia by 10%

    From January 1, 2019, the price of Russian gas for Armenia will be raised to $165 per thousand cubic meters, the press service of Gazprom reported on Monday. 

    The new price is 10% higher than the price established by the agreement of April 2016. 

    “In accordance with the supplementary agreement signed to the contract between Gazprom Export LLC and Gazprom Armenia CJSC, determining the price of gas supplies to Armenia in 2019, the price of Russian gas will be $165 per one thousand cubic meters …

  • Armenia accuses Gazprom of multi-billion tax evasion

    The Armenian authorities have conducted an audit on the local Gazprom subsidiary and uncovered colossal tax violations, the Armenian State Revenue Committee (SRC) reported on Wednesday.

    Gazprom Armenia, the country’s sole gas provider, gave the tax authorities “deliberately false information” in its reports for 2016-2017, as a result of which it paid “several billion” too little tax on profit and VAT, according to the SRC.

    In addition, the company was involved in shady gas selling schemes. …

  • Armenia may consider buying American weapons

    Armenia may consider buying American weapons if it receives a beneficial offer from the United States, stated Armenian Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Saturday October 27, Interfax reported.

    “The government is not limited to anything. If we receive a beneficial offer, we will consider it,” the politician said.

    Earlier in October, during a visit to Yerevan, US National Security Advisor John Bolton suggested that the Armenian government may buy American weapons instead of Russian ones. …