Contents tagged with Lavrov

  • Russian Foreign Minister: US is 'an uninvited guest' in Syria

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, during a meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, said that the United States is an uninvited guest in Syria, RIA Novosti reported.

    "We confirmed our position that, despite the recognition of the presence of the American coalition in Syria, it is still an uninvited guest," Lavrov told reporters after the meeting.

    "We see that this is a reality, and we see that this can be used to combat terrorism along with the actions that the Syrian army is …

  • Tillerson discussed situation in Ukraine and Syria with Lavrov

    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson held a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, as reported on Facebook by the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    It is noted that the conversation took place on September 16, at the American initiative.

    "The current situation on the Syrian settlement, including the tasks of the anti-terrorist struggle ‘on the ground’, the implementation of decisions from the international meeting on Syria held September 14-15 of this …

  • Lavrov: Russia is being pushed into war with Ukraine and Moldova

    The withdrawal of the Russian military from Transnistria was initiated by those who want a war between Russia, Ukraine and Moldova, stated Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during his conversation with MGIMO (Moscow State University) students.

    "I do not think that we can predict a war. Nobody wants this, except for those who were directing the hand of representatives of the Moldovan government, when they wrote a statement on the need to withdraw our military personnel from Transnistria. …

  • Lavrov promises response to closure of Russian consulate in United States

    In a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow will react to the closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco and two other diplomatic facilities, as reported on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.

    “The Minister expressed regret at the escalation of tension in bilateral relations, which was not initiated by us, and pointed out that Moscow will carefully study the new measures announced by the Americans, …

  • Lavrov: Russia will respond to US sanctions

    Russia intends to respond to all unfriendly actions of the US, as stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov following a meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Manila, Russian Foreign Ministry reported.

    The representatives of the Russian Federation and the United States discussed the crisis in relations at the meeting. In this regard, Lavrov said that “the US bill on sanctions against Russia had become another link in a chain of steps that are unfriendly and dangerous to …

  • Lavrov suggested that Syrian opposition be excluded from Syrian negotiations

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proposed to leave the Syrian political opposition on the "roadside" of the political process, as he indicated in an interview with the Kurdish television channel Rudaw, as reported on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    According to him, they prove their "inability to negotiate." The Minister noted that Russia supports the results of the previous round of Syrian talks, which took place in Geneva. He recalled that at that time the special …

  • Lavrov called the situation with Russian diplomatic property in the US ‘robbery in broad daylight’

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the situation surrounding the seized residences of the Russian Foreign Ministry in the United States a "daylight robbery," TASS reports.

    The head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the American officials, who said that Russian diplomatic property would be returned only in exchange for certain actions, highway robbers. "Regarding the essence of what you have quoted, if it is true, then this is a daylight robbery," Lavrov said.

    " …

  • Lavrov: sanctions imposed on Syria exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the country

    Russia considers the existence of EU and US sanctions against Syria to be an abnormal situation, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov following negotiations with the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini.

    "We have already discussed with our colleagues this, in my opinion, abnormal situation. Sanctions in many respects hamper the development of manufacturing of basic necessities in the Syrian Arab Republic, including the pharmaceutical industry, which was …

  • Lavrov confirms call from Tillerson about the possibility of a new chemical attack in Syria

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson informed him of US intelligence information that Syrian authorities are preparing a new chemical attack.

    “Rex Tillerson called me. The leaking of the fact that we spoke took place once again on the American side. I can… confirm that he called me and warned me that the US has information on a supposed new chemical attack being prepared against the opposition, as he put it,” Lavrov said at a press conference …

  • Lavrov promises a 'mirror response' if Ukraine introduces visa regime with Russia

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov promised a "mirror response" if Ukraine introduces a visa regime with Russia, Russia’s Interfax news agency reported.

    "When a torrent of mud pours on us; when our actors, and artists are declared persona non grata; when they take business away from Russian investors in the Ukrainian economy; when they start to talk seriously about the introduction of a visa regime; well, do you think we should just swallow all this and not respond? " Lavrov told …