Contents tagged with Kerch Bridge

  • Ukraine introduces sanctions against Russian archaeologists because of excavations in Crimea

    On December 27th, the Minister of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine Vadym Chernysh stated that Ukraine is imposing sanctions on Russian archaeologists who “illegally carried out excavations” in the annexed Crimea. 

    According to him, this will create a “negative image among organizations that work with them.” 

    “Ukraine applies sanctions not only to Russian politicians and businessmen. The list includes archaeologists who illegally excavated in the …

  • Kremlin considers Crimean train carriages unfit for Kerch Bridge

    At a meeting in Simferopol, Russian Presidential Aide Igor Levitin has demanded that the fleet of passenger railway carriages in annexed Crimea be upgraded before the opening of the railway portion of the Kerch Bridge.

    “Out of 20 instructions, four still need to be carried out. One of them is to upgrade the fleet of passenger carriages on the Crimean Railway by 2020. We need to calculate how much rolling stock is needed in connection with the launch of railway traffic on the bridge,” TASS …

  • Ukraine promises Russia severe retribution for Kerch Bridge

    The Ukrainian government is pushing for sanctions to be placed on Russia’s Black Sea ports in response to Russia’s blockade of the Sea of Azov, Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan said in a broadcast of the TV channel 112 Ukraine.

    “We are negotiating with our European and American partners in order to have the corresponding sanctions placed on Russia’s Black Sea ports due to the blockade of the Sea of Azov and the Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov,” the minister said.

    He …

  • Russia preparing to install the second arch of the Kerch Bridge

    In the Kerch Strait, shipping will be restricted during the installation of the second arch for the bridge to the Crimea. Shipping in the bridge construction area will be limited from October 11th to 14th, according to the press service of the Crimean Bridge project.

    It was noted that on Wednesday, October 11th, a maritime operation would begin to transport and install the second road arch of the Kerch Bridge.

    "Restrictions are connected with the transportation and lifting of the road arch to …

  • Russia will block navigation through the Kerch Strait beginning August 28

    Russia plans to completely stop navigation through the Kerch Strait from August 28 to 31, 2017 due to the construction of the Kerch Bridge. The corresponding order has been published on the site of the Kremlin-controlled Black Sea Ports Administration.

    "Beginning 00:00 local time on August 28 to 00:00 local time on August 31, the navigation of all ships and vessels will be prohibited in the restricted area of construction within the waters of the Kerch Strait, with the exception of ships and …

  • Ukraine’s Minister of Justice: those involved in the construction of the Kerch Bridge will be subject to sanctions

    The Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Pavlo Petrenko, said in an interview with the Oglyadach TV program on that “all those involved in the construction of the Kerch Bridge may be subject to international sanctions and this will be a “clear signal.”

    “Not a single self-respecting international company will ever put a bolt or nut in it[ the bridge], because they run the risk of losing its business in the EU, the US, and Japan, and in those countries that have joined sanctions against Russia …

  • Kyiv will demand compensation from Russia over Ukraine’s losses due to construction of the Kerch Bridge

    Kyiv intends to demand compensation from Moscow for the losses of Ukrainian ports in Mariupol and Berdyansk due to Russia's plans to limit navigation through the Kerch Strait during construction of an arch of the bridge to the Crimea, Deutsche Welle reported with reference to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s response to the news agency’s request.

    The Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Yuriy Lavrenyuk had announced earlier that Russia’s construction of a bridge across the Kerch …