Contents tagged with Iran

  • Russia and Iran warn the US against crossing 'the red lines in Syria'

    A joint military command for the Syrian operation consisting of Russian, Syrian and Hezbollah has released a joint statement warning the US against crossing the ‘red lines’ in Syria as reported by Ilam al Harbi  news agency.

     According to the statement, Iran and Russia will ‘respond with force’ against any further American actions in Syria.

    “What America waged in an aggression on Syria and is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red …

  • US representative to the UN: Russia committed crimes in Syria

    Nikki Haley, Permanent US Representative to the UN, while speaking on the protection of human rights at the UN Security Council on March 29, said that Russia and Iran are involved in the Assad regime’s annihilation of the population and civilian infrastructure in Aleppo. The US representative referred to this as “war crimes”.

    “Together with Russia and Iran, the Assad regime has destroyed every hospital in eastern Aleppo. Every single one. A quarter of a million people have been left to suffer. …

  • Iran allows Russia to use its military bases

    Iranian authorities have decided to allow Russia to use Iranian military bases to make air strikes on militants of the Islamic State in Syria “in specific cases.”

    This was told to Reuters by Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif.

    “Russia does not have a military base in Iran, we have a good relationship, and in specific instances when Russia needs to use Iranian facilities to fight terrorism, we will consider the matter,” Zarif said.

    According to the minister, regional …

  • Iran tests new ballistic missile

    Iran tested its new Hormuz-2 ballistic missile, designed to strike sea based targets, said Commander of the Army Aerospace Forces of the Islamic Revolution Amir Ali Hajizadeh, as reported by Tansim.

    The missile successfully hit a water based target from a distance of 250 kilometers. The functionality of the weapon allows strikes against targets at a distance of up to 300 kilometers, Ali Hajizade specified.

    According to Ali Hajizade, the ballistic missile was developed completely by Tehran. …

  • Iran conducts successful test of Russian S-300 missile system

    Iran conducted a successful test of its Russian made S-300 surface-to-air missile system.

    According to Iranian Tansim news agency, the Iranian military carried out tests against a wide range of aerial targets, as well as worked out the detection, identification, interception and destruction of targets.

    Additionally, IRNA news agency reported that the missile systems successfully hit targets during conditions of radar jamming and the appearance of decoy targets. During the test firing the …

  • Iran intends to create an alliance with Russia in the Middle East

    The chairman of the Parliament of Iran, Ari Larijani, spoke of Tehran’s efforts to conclude a strategic alliance with Russia in the Middle East, as the two countries have differences on key issues, including the situation in Syria.

    Moreover, Iran supports the idea of an open dialogue with Arab countries, including its main rival in the area, Saudi Arabia. Larijani stressed that such cooperation must take place “without any preconditions.”

    In an interview on the television station “Al-Mayadin,” …

  • Belarus to purchase oil from Iran

    A subsidiary of "Belorusneft" has signed a contract with the Iranian NIOC (National Iranian Oil Company), as reported on the latter’s website. Additionally, talks are ongoing about a deal with Polish Beloil Polska on the supply of 600,000 barrels of oil. This will be the first purchase of Iranian oil by Minsk after the lifting of sanctions against Tehran last year.

    The oil is expected to be delivered to Odessa, Ukraine or Ventspils, Latvia, where it will then travel to Belarus by rail. …

  • Media: Iranian General Soleimani made another secret visit to Moscow

    An Iranian general and Commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, who is prohibited from leaving the country due to UN sanctions, secretly flew to Moscow for a number of meetings, as reported by Fox News, citing sources in US intelligence. The channel has repeatedly reported about Soleimani’s visits to Russia.

    According to the news outlet, the general arrived in Moscow on February 14 at 12:13 through terminal A of Vnukovo airport via Mahan Air flight WD084.

    It is noted that the …

  • Iran says it will continue to allow Russian military aircraft to use its airspace

    Iran will continue to allow Russian military aircraft to pass through Iranian airspace on their way to and from Syria.

    “We uphold in this regard a close cooperation with Russia by opening the airspace of Iran," the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, Ali Shamkhani, said on Saturday, February 11th.

    Shamkhani also noted that Russian aircraft are allowed to use Iran’s Hamedan air base for refueling purposes.

    The Secretary stated that such allowances entail complex …

  • Russian and Iranian diplomats to meet in Moscow to discuss Iran nuclear deal

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov and his Iranian counterpart Abbas Araghchi will meet in Moscow tomorrow to discuss the progress of the implementation of Iran’s nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), TASS reported. The two diplomats will also discuss bilateral relations.

    "Top-ranking Russian and Iranian diplomats will hold consultations in Moscow on February 8 on the development of bilateral relations and on regional and international affairs. They are also …