Contents tagged with Finland

  • Finland grants US access to 15 military bases in strategic defense pact

    The Finnish Parliament has approved the defence cooperation agreement and granted the US access to 15 military sites, as reported by the state broadcaster Yle.

    The agreement pertains to the use of four airbases, a military port, and a railway in northern Finland. It also includes provisions for the storage of military equipment.

    Under the terms of the agreement, the US is allowed to deploy its military personnel and equipment at the designated locations. Finnish authorities will ensure the …

  • Russia relocates 80% of troops from Finland border to Ukraine

    Published satellite images reveal empty bases previously hosting Russian military equipment and personnel. Finnish news outlet Yle reports significant movement of Russian forces from the Finland border to Ukraine.

    Finnish intelligence confirms that up to 80% of the troops have relocated. The satellite images, revealed by Finnish journalists, show nearly deserted garrisons and military bases of Russian ground forces near the Finland border.

    Only obsolete equipment remains at some bases, and …

  • Finland approves use of its weapons by Ukrainian Forces against targets in Russia

    Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen announced that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are allowed to strike targets on Russian territory using Finnish weapons. She clarified in an interview with the newspaper Uusi Suomi that Ukraine is engaged in a defensive, and therefore, it has the right to target military objects in the aggressor nation for self-defense. The government in Helsinki has not placed specific restrictions on the use of the assistance provided but expects Ukraine to use these weapons …

  • Russia unilaterally redraws Baltic Sea borders with Finland and Lithuania

    Moscow Times, citing a draft government decree published on the legal acts portal, has reported Russia's decision to unilaterally alter its maritime boundaries with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.

    The Russian Defence Ministry has prepared a document declaring parts of the eastern Gulf of Finland and areas near the cities of Baltiysk and Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region as Russia's internal maritime waters.

    This will involve changing the geographical coordinates of points used …

  • Finland's defense minister calls for increased Western support for Ukraine

    Finland's Defence Minister Antti Kaikkonen from the National Coalition Party has urged the West to bolster its support for Ukraine. He stated that Europe has not fully comprehended the gravity of the war through a historical lens and has not provided Ukraine with sufficient assistance, reports Yle.

    "Funding for military support in Ukraine must be found immediately," Kaikkonen said.

    The Finnish Defence Minister also emphasized the significance of increasing the European Union's own weapons …

  • Media: Finnish companies continue exporting defense-related components to Russia despite sanctions

    Russia continues to receive components and equipment that are used in its defence industry from Finland, an investigation by the public broadcaster Yle has revealed.

    Around 20 companies that exported components potentially used in the defence industry to Russia were uncovered by journalists. The report points to small logistics firms with Russian-linked owners and offices predominantly located in tiny spaces in the southeast part of the country, near major logistics hubs.

    One company supplied …

  • Finland prepares to shut last operating border crossings with Russia over migrant concerns

    On Tuesday, November 22, Finland may close the remaining border crossing points that are still operating on the land border with Russia, reported the Finnish newspaper IltaLehti. According to the newspaper, the government of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo may make a decision on Monday that all crossing points on the land border with Russia will be closed on Tuesday night.

    Based on the available intelligence, the Finnish government made an assessment that the Russian authorities are involved in …

  • Russia suspected of blowing up Balticconnector gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia

    Norwegian seismologists detected a possible explosion in the Baltic Sea during the night of  October 7-8 at 01:20 local time (which coincides with Moscow time). The incident is said to have occurred near the Balticconnector gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia, according to a statement from NORSAR (the Norwegian-US foundation for the detection of earthquakes and nuclear explosions).

    The magnitude of the seismic event is estimated to be 1, which is much lower than the explosion that …

  • Estonian Prime Minister proposes joint trade embargo against Russia, calls for support from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Finland

    Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has made a proposal following a scandal surrounding her husband's business ties with Russia. She called on the neighbouring countries to introduce a unified trade embargo against Russia. According to Kallas, Finland could play a key role in this matter.

    Kallas said she had not spoken  with Finland's new Prime Minister, Petteri Orpo, yet but promised to do so.

    Estonian broadcaster ERR highlights that daily exports from Estonia to Russia include electronics, …

  • Russian Neo-Nazi suspected of war crimes in Ukraine detained in Finland

    Finnish police have detained a Russian man suspected of committing terrorist crimes in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine in 2014-2015, reported  the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat. According to the newspaper , the 36-year-old man is suspected of participating in a terrorist group in the Donbas region from June 2014 to August 2015. Ukraine has requested his extradition. The suspect's case and the extradition request will be considered by the Ita-Uusimaa district court on August 25. …