Contents tagged with FSB

  • Russian Security Services are looking for new cyber weapons

    Hacker group Digital Revolution has published documents showing a contract request of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) to develop the so-called "Fronton" program, which allows to carry out cyberattacks using infected Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

    Digital Revolution calls itself the "face of the digital revolution." In 2018-2019, the group released documents obtained as a result of the hacking of two alleged FSB contractors. It was reported that the Russian secret service …

  • FSB demands round-the-clock access to Russian citizens’ online correspondence

    Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has demanded that the major internet service providers give it access to their users’ online activity, The Bell reports, citing sources in Russian internet companies.

    In summer last year, Russian companies on the register of information distribution operators (IDO) started receiving a letter from the FSB headquarters on Lubyanka Square related to the requirements of the “Yarovaya Law”. In the letter, the FSB instructed the companies to install equipment …

  • Russian media: Four FSB officers were killed near Latakia where Turkey and Syria were meant to meet for negotiations

    Four officers of the Special Forces Directorate of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) – Bulat Akhmatyanov, Ruslan Gimadiev, Dmitry Minov and Vsevolod Trofimov – were killed on February 1 not in combat near Aleppo, as reported previously, but on the outskirts of Latakia. It was there that senior leaders of Turkey and Syria were planning to meet, and Russia was assisting with security. Sources told Novaya Gazeta that the attack may have been provocative in nature.

    According to the sources, …

  • Four Russian FSB officers killed by pro-Turkish forces in Syria

    A large number of Russian media outlets have published reports that four officers of the Special Forces counter-terrorism directorate of Russia’s FSB have been killed in Syria. 

    The reports began to appear on Sunday, February 2. It was first reported by the Telegram channel “Special Forces Channel”, which specializes in covering the activity of Russia’s security forces. The special forces in question were reportedly two pairs of Russian snipers who were meant to cooperate with Syrian …

  • Four Russian special forces officers killed in Syria

    According to unconfirmed reports, four officers from the Russian FSB Special Forces counter-terrorism directorate were killed yesterday in the Aleppo province.

    The Telegram channel “Special Forces Channel” reported the news and published the name and the photo of one of the killed officers.

    According to the channel, Captain Dmitry Minov was killed on February 1.

    The officers were reportedly killed after coming under mortar fire in the Aleppo Province.

  • Putin approves temporary travel ban for former Russian Federal Security Service employees

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that bans former Federal Security Service (FSB) officers from leaving the country for up to five years. Such restriction can be established from the date of dismissal. The document is published on the official Internet website of legal information.

    Earlier, the co-author of the bill, Chairman of the Committee on Security and Corruption Control Vasilii Piskarev, said that the amendments are the result of " frequent cases of openly hostile …

  • Hackers uncover Russia’s secret cyber projects

    Hackers have successfully breached the server of the Moscow-based company SyTech, a major IT contractor for Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), BBC reports.

    The hack took place on 13 July 2019. SyTech’s website was replaced by a “Yoba Face”, a meme of a large yellow face with a broad smile that is widely used by hackers as a sign that they have gained access to the victim’s data.

    A screenshot of the Yoba Face appeared on the Twitter account Ov1ru$, which was registered on the day of the …

  • Russia presses final charges against Ukrainian sailors

    Russia has announced the final version of its charges against the 13 Ukrainian sailors who are being held as prisoners of war, attorney Nikolai Polozov reported.

    “Today there were investigative proceedings concerning another four prisoner-of-war Ukrainian sailors: Vladislav Kostyshin, Oleh Melnychuk, Serhiy Chuliba and Vasyl Soroka. The prisoner-of-war sailors and their attorneys were briefed on the conclusion of the commission’s situational forensic inquiry and charges were filed in their …

  • Body of Putin’s bunker financier found in Moscow

    The body of Alexey Kudryashov, who was fired on 31 May from his position as the head of the financing department that oversees command bunkers for Russia’s high-ranking political and military leaders, has been found in Moscow. The 55 year-old financier’s corpse was discovered in the yard of a 15-story house, RBC reports, citing its own sources. The cause of death appears to be a fall from a great height.

    A source in the Interior Ministry said that on the day he died, Kudryashov had been at his …

  • Russian Special Forces ambushed in Syria

    Russian Special Forces were ambushed by Syrian rebels near the village of Khirbet al-Arus in the northwest of the Syrian Hama province, reported the Conflict Intelligence Team on Telegram.

    According to the news agency Nors for Studies, a group of up to 23 Russian soldiers was ambushed. Several commandos were injured. However, on their official page, the militants reported that the Russians suffered casualties.

    Nors for Studies also published photographs of items belonging to the Russian …