Contents tagged with Azov battalion

  • Ukrainian Azov and Donbas National Guard regiments will return to the front line

    The Adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, Zorian Shkiriak, stated that the National Guard regiments Azov and Donbas will soon return to the frontline in eastern Ukraine.

    “First of all, it is about operative rapid brigades of the National Guard and the special-task regiments Azov and Donbas. They will return to the frontline and fulfill their functions of direct contact with the enemy,” the Ministry’s press service reported.

    According to Shkiriak, these regiments have repeatedly proved …

  • Commander of Azov: There cannot be any celebrations while we are surrendering our territory.

    The Defender of Ukraine Day was celebrated on October 14th.

    A "March of Heroes” took place in Kharkiv.

    The event was organized by a civic branch of the Azov battalion and joined by the activists of Pravy Sektor, Shidniy Corps special unit and the residents of Kharkiv.

    Almost 1500 people took part in the event.  The national anthem was sung and patriotic songs were chanted.  The soldiers of 92th brigade displayed their battle flag.

    Andriy Biletskiy,the founder of Azov battalion, now a …