• Stalin portraits go on displays in Donetsk.

    Portraits of former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin emerged on displays in the center of Donetsk, the pro-russian rebel capital of eastern Ukraine. as the separatist authorities fuel a mood of Soviet nostalgia.The rebels revive Soviet customs to cement their Moscow-backed rule and fuel a mood of Soviet nostalgia.The horrors of Stalin's repressions and the deaths of up to five million Ukrainians in the 1930s due to famine caused by forced collectivization go unmentioned.The Donetsk rebel leader …

  • Russian airstrikes killed commanders of rebel groups supported by US.

    A monitoring group reports that several commanders of the “Free Syrian Army” have been killed by Russian air strikes in recent days.

    The commanders are reportedly from the groups which receive support of US and other coalition allies.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human rights reports that 45 people were killed by Russian airstrikes on Monday.

    Among them were both civilians and rebel fighters. The airstrikes occurred in Jabal Akrad area.

    This area is under control of the First Coastal Division …

  • Swiss explained why their military jet approached the plane of the Russian parliament speaker.

    Swiss military office has explained why their war plane approached the Russian air craft.

    The Swiss official explained that the war plane approached Russian aircraft for the purpose of identification.

    Peter Minder, an official of the Swiss Federal defense department stated that this is a standard procedure and it  is carried out more than 100 times a year.

    He confirmed that the military aircraft which approached the Russian jet transporting the speaker of the  Russian Parliament, Sergey …

  • Russia is losing its share on European oil markets

    Saudi Arabia has a record number of world oil deposits. This can cause a major imbalance of the oil market.

    The oil experts agree that Saudi Arabia is trying to gain a bigger share on the European Market.

    Currently Saudi Arabia is on its way to making more oil deals. This can be a major problem for Russia as one of the major oil producers.

    For 13 year,  Saudi Arabia has accumulated record deposits of crude oil. On August of this year they came up to 326 615 barrels (approximately 44.55 …

  • John Kerry: No support to Assad in our Syrian operation

    US Secretary of State, John Kerry, has warned Putin of the Russian role in Syria and their support for Assad.

    President of Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin has negotiated a personal meeting with the government officials from US, Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. It looks like Putin is trying to secure support from these countries and he might be successful.

    On October 19th, John Kerry confirmed that the talks in Vein with the representatives of these countries will start shortly.

    In the …

  • Turkey: Any aircraft violating our air space will be shot down.

    "Turkey will shoot down any aircrafts violating the country's airspace."

    The statement was made on Saturday, October 17 by Ahmet Davutoğlu the Turkish Prime Minister.

    "Yesterday we shot down a drone. Had it been an aircraft we would have done the same. Our rules of engagement are well known. We will repel anyone violating our borders"

    On October 16 Turkish F-16 aircrafts shot down a drone of an unknown manufacturer.

     A military statement said the aircraft was shot down after it ignored …

  • Standard and Poors confirms Russia's junk credit rating.

    Standard & Poor’s kept Russia’s credit Rating at BB+ level, below investment grade.

    The rating was initially cut down to junk level at the end of January 2015.

    S&P stripped Russia of its investment grade in January for the first time in a decade as plunging oil prices and sanctions over the conflict in Ukraine push the world’s largest energy exporter into its first recession since 2009. The penalties have locked Russian corporate borrowers out of international debt markets, spurred capital …

  • OSCE asks Russia why TOS-1 rocket launchers are in Ukraine

    British delegation to OSCE has requested from Russia an explanation on how TOS-1 thermobaric rocket launcher ended up in Kruglik village of  Luhansk which is under control of  pro-Russian separatists.

    Sian MacLeod, the Head of UK Delegation to the OSCE , says that there has  not been any official reply yet.

    The TOS1 Rocket launcher, known as Buratino, is manufactured in Russia and they have never been exported to Ukraine.

    On September 26th OSCE observers have found at least 36 tanks of an …

  • Syrian conflict - latest updates, October 15

    Iran enters Syrian conflict

    Iran has openly entered the Syrian conflict sending 3000 of its elite troops of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps in support of the President Bashar Assad.

    Iranian troops have been deployed to central and northern parts of Syria where they have been joined by Hezbollah fighters.

    On October 10, General Hossein Hamadani ,  one of the commanders of the  Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed in the area of  the Khanasser Highway in Southern Aleppo.

    General …

  • Norway will not take refugees entering from Russia.

    Norway said it will send refugees entering from Russia back.

    Syrian refugees which arrive in Norway through Russian border will be sent back if they previously have stayed in Russia for a lengthy period of time.

    “Some persons who apply for a refugee status have lived in Russia for a long time. This would imply that they are not escaping war or poverty and do not require Norway to  provide their safety since Russia has already done so " said the justice and national safety minister of Norway …