• Ukroboronprom: US and Ukraine to Cooperate In Arms Production

    Representatives of the State Concern Ukroboronprom met with American delegates led by the Deputy Secretary of State, Frank Rose, to discuss the implementation of joint projects in the production of modern weapons and increased cooperation in the security sector.

    “The U.S side is ready to contribute to the development processes of Ukraine and hopes for its success,” Rose noted. He said that American experts have pointed out qualitative changes in the work of Ukroboronprom. Ukraine and the US …

  • Timo Soini: Illegal Crossings of Russian-Finnish Border Must Be Stopped

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Timo Soini, stated that it is necessary to take tough steps in order to stop illegal migration across the Russian-Finnish border. “It seems that rough measures are even desperately required. We have to bring an end to illegal immigration and migration,” the Minister stated in an interview.

    The influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa is rising south of the Murmansk region on the border with Finland. Refugees are no longer allowed to cross …

  • Pro-Russian separatists attack Ukrainian Forces 37 times

    On the 23rd of January, pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine violated the ceasefire agreement 37 times. The Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reported that weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements were observed in the cities of Donetsk and Bulavinskoye.

    Information about the presence of weaponry–tanks, self-propelled guns (SPG) and 122-mm Grad rocket launchers-was provided by representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission.

    Ukrainian …

  • Russian Capital Outflow Increased By 30 Percent Last Week Amid Ruble Crisis

    The total outflow of means from funds invested in Russian assets increased to $91.8 million during the week beginning January 14th. According to Interfax, based on data provided by the Emerging Portfolio Fund Research (EPFR) analysts, last week investors withdrew $70 million from Russian investments—an outflow of means increased by 30%.

    Sberbank CIB estimates the total net cash outflow from funds investing only in shares of the Russian Federation also increased to $42.1 million from January 14 …

  • Authorities in Moscow reject application for anti-Kadyrov rally

    City authorities in Moscow have rejected an application submitted by the liberal Yabloko party to hold a public rally to call for the removal of Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic.

    Radio Free Europe reported that Yabloko instead plans to hold a rotating one-person picket on January 26th in front of President Putin’s administration building, as public demonstrations in Russia of more than one person must be approved by the authorities. Russian opposition groups report that it is …

  • Ukraine asks for Canada's support in trade controversy with Russia

    The Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Natalie Jaresko, held a meeting with Canada's Federal Minister of International Trade, Chrystia Freeland, where she asked for Canadian support in the trade dispute with Russia within the World Trade Organization (WTO). RNS reported that the meeting took place at the Davos World Economic Forum, and the details were posted on Jaresko’s Facebook page.

    "Today I had a pleasant meeting with the Minister of International Trade of Canada and my good old friend …

  • Russian Army to Add Four New Divisions

    The Russian Defense Ministry announced a significant expansion of staff of their ground forces "in response to the increasing intensity of the NATO countries’ training." There are currently no Russian ground troops in Crimea.

    The Russian Federation ground forces will be strengthened by combining existing sections of the Army into four new divisions, said the Russian Defense Ministry on Friday, January 22nd. "In 2016, three divisions will be formed in the Western territory and one in the …

  • Gazprom: Ukraine's Transit Fine Is an Attempt to Exert Pressure

    Gazprom claimed that the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) has no authority to regulate the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine. This was reported by Interfax, citing the press service of Gazprom on Friday, January 22nd. The Russian gas giant said that the decision of the AMCU to impose a $3.47 billion fine upon Gazprom was an "attempt to exert pressure."

    "This arouses extreme surprise, because Gazprom does not carry out any business activities on the territory of Ukraine by passing …

  • Poroshenko and Aliyev Agree On Trade Route to Bypass Russia

    At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, agreed on the need to develop a transit route that bypasses Russia.

    The Presidents were pleased to learn about the successful departure of the first container train from Ilyichevsk that will follow the Ukraine-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan–China route. Poroshenko and Aliyev’s coordinated efforts need to work further in this direction, according to the press service of the …

  • Russian Court to Consider Extending Natalia Sharina's House Arrest

    The Russian investigative committee is asking the court to extend the house arrest of the Director of the Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow, Natalia Sharina, for another three months, her lawyer Ivan Pavlov reported.

    "On January 27th, the Presnensky Court of Moscow will consider the extension of the house arrest of Natalia Sharina. The investigative committee asked the court to extend this period for another three months," Pavlov said. According to him, the court will begin hearings …