• Gazprom’s European partners under threat of US sanctions because of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    European partners of Gazprom are frightened of coming under US sanctions for helping to construct the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, said a member of the board of the German energy company Uniper, RBC new agency reported.

    Reiner Hartmann heads the Russian branch of Uniper, a company that belongs to the Nord Stream 2 consortium of investors. He said the likelihood that the United States will indeed impose sanctions ,that it is threatening with, is "extremely threatening" for all of Gazprom's …

  • Detained LPR militant talks about Russian military in the Donbas

    The servicemen of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained a former militant of the Luhansk People’s Republic who confirmed the presence of Russian troops in the separatist-held territories of the Donbas, as reported on the SBU website.

    The operatives of the SBU have determined that the unnamed man from Kharkiv joined illegal armed groups in April 2017. He served in one of the separatist battalions in the occupied Alchevsk as a driver-mechanic for a BMP infantry fighting vehicle. He …

  • Russian Minister of Internal Affairs says he received US visa 'without problems' despite sanctions

    Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who was among those added to the US sanctions list in April, has claimed that he received an American visa without any issues. Kolokoltsev came to the UN's New York headquarters for a meeting of heads of the police departments of UN member countries. On the sidelines of the summit, Kolokoltsev met with Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, and discussed with him the participation of Russian policemen in …

  • Trump’s advisor to visit Moscow to prepare a meeting between the US and Russian leaders

    US National Security Adviser John Bolton will visit Moscow next week to begin preparations for a meeting between the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Interfax reports with reference to sources in Washington. The Russian President’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed this information.

    "As far as we know… such a trip will take place. This is all we can say for now," Peskov replied to the journalists’ question about whether Bolton is …

  • Poroshenko and Putin discuss prisoner situation over phone

    On Thursday June 21, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko asked Russian President Vladimir Putin over the phone to ensure that Ukrainian Ombudsperson Lyudmyla Denisova is given access to Oleg Sentsov and other Ukrainian prisoners, Poroshenko’s press service reported.

    “The head of the Ukrainian state urged [Putin] to release the Ukrainian prisoners held in Russian prisons and in its occupied territories. He also pointed out the importance of giving Human Rights Commissioner Lyudmyla Denisova …