Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: Despite sanctions equipment from Finland is used at the construction of the Kerch Bridge

    Equipment from Finland was discovered at the Kerch Bridge bridges is being built by Russia from the mainland to the annexed Crimea, PSB News website reports.  The site shows a video of a hydrohammer produced by a Finnish company that is used at the construction of the bridge.

    The Finnish equipment is being utilized by the Russian firm Mostootryad-125, a branch of Mostotrest, which is the largest heavy construction company in Russia. It is noted that the above mentioned equipment, a Junttan …

  • Journalist: Kremlin will replace Crimean officials with more obedient ones from Russia

    Russia will organize a “cleansing” in the ranks of Kremlin-controlled authorities of the Crimean peninsula. Local officials will be replaced by more obedient managers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, as reported on the Daytime Show on Radio Krym.Realii on September 7 by the Ukrainian military journalist from the Crimea, the coordinator of the “Stop corruption” NGO, Roman Bochkala.

    According to Bochkala, he observed this trend in the separatist regions of Abkhazia and South …

  • Putin: Tillerson fell into ‘bad company’

    Speaking at the economic forum in Vladivostok on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, noting that he "fell into some bad company" after receiving a state award from Russia four years ago for his contribution to the development of Russian-American relations.

    Addressing one of the US citizens present at the plenary session of the economic forum, Putin said, "We also awarded the Order of Friendship to your compatriot, Mr. Tillerson. However, …

  • Ahead of Zapad-2017 military exercises Germany and France condemn Russia for 'strategy of intimidation'

    Germany and France have criticized the future joint Zapad-2017 military exercises by Russia and Belarus, saying that Moscow is trying to demonstrate its military strength near the border with the EU and NATO.

    "It is particularly important in this context that we reaffirm our presence in the face of...this demonstration the Russians are making, which is a strategy of intimidation," French Defense Minister Florence Parly said on September 7, as part of an informal meeting of the defense …

  • Russia: Introduction of peacekeepers in Donbas must be coordinated with DPR and LPR

    According to the Kremlin, the DPR’s (Donetsk People’s Republic) and LPR’s (Luhansk People’s Republic) consent must be one of the conditions for peacekeeping forces to be deployed in the Donbas.

    The Kremlin’s position was voiced by Dmitry Peskov, press secretary to the Russian president, RBC reports.

    “The conflict in south-eastern Ukraine is something to be negotiated primarily between Kyiv and the authorities of the unrecognized republics – LPR and DPR. This is, perhaps, the core modality …

  • India walks away from buying two oil deposits from Russia’s oil giant Rosneft

    India refused Rosneft's offer to buy five additional oilfields in the Vankor cluster (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia), reported Indian newspaper The Economic Times citing sources familiar with the negotiations.

    "We do not want to put all of our eggs in one basket. Russia can continue to offer oil deposits, but we cannot accept all proposals," the source said. "We have invested enough in Russia, so, there is no need to close this deal urgently. There are other attractive opportunities for investment …

  • Head of Crimea calls the prices and quality of fuel on the peninsula unacceptable

    The Kremlin-appointed head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, is dissatisfied with the fuel prices and quality at gas stations on the peninsula, as indicated in a Facebook post he made on September 6th.

    Aksyonov noted that the 95 RON gasoline is not carried by some gas stations in Crimea. "The cost of 95 RON gasoline on average is 43 rubles 30 kopeks ($0.76), 98 RON gasoline - 47 rubles ($0.82). In the neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, fuel prices are 10% lower," he wrote.

    The …

  • Facebook: Russia used fake accounts to push its agenda

    The President of the United States Donald Trump keeps calling CNN “fake news”. However, the U.S. investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential elections just took a new turn!

    Facebook reported on the 6th of September that the social network had revealed that the Kremlin associated Russian company had spent over $100,000 to purchase approximately 3,000 politically motivated ads on divisive social issues, such as gun control, illegal immigration, race, and gay rights. …

  • US ambassador to Russia affirms legitimacy of closing Russian diplomatic facilities in US

    The United States Ambassador to Russia John Tefft said that all of Washington’s actions in closing the Russian consulate building in San Francisco and the trade mission offices in Washington and New York were done in accordance with legislation.

    In a joint interview with Radio Svoboda and Voice of America, Tefft refuted the rumors that the Americans had used force to break into the consulate building and search it.

    “Nobody broke down doors. Nobody put undue pressure on people. It was all done …

  • Russia begins command and staff exercises of the Black Sea Fleet

    On Wednesday September 6, the military and supply vessels of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet went out to sea to work on ship group control tasks as part of planned command and staff exercises.

    According to the press service of the Southern Military District of Russia’s Defense Ministry, during the first stage of the drills the soldiers practiced navigating ships behind mine-clearing equipment.

    “At the fleet’s combat training facilities, they are operating the frigate ‘Admiral Grigorovich’, the …