In a surprising shift, Serbia endorses pro-Ukraine declaration at Swiss summit

Serbia not only participated in the summit but also endorsed the final declaration, a move that struck a particular nerve for Russia.

Serbia unexpectedly dealt a blow to Russia by signing the final declaration of the peace summit held today in Switzerland, as reported by the influential Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Journalists highlighted that despite Serbia’s decades-long strong political connections with Moscow, this particular move signifies a shift as it sides with Ukraine.

The Russian authorities made fervent attempts to dissuade their allies from participating in the summit, yet Serbia chose to back Ukraine not just by attending but also by signing the final declaration, exacerbating the blow to Russia.

In total, 84 delegations signed the conference's final declaration in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, addressing issues of nuclear and food security, as well as the humanitarian situation amidst the conflict in Ukraine.

"It might surprise you that Serbia is among the countries that endorsed the final declaration. Serbia maintains close ties with Russia," noted the journalists.

The exact contents of the declaration remain undisclosed. Absent from the signatories list are Brazil and India, two significant BRICS nations, as well as Saudi Arabia, which seeks to position itself as a neutral host for the subsequent conference.

On June 15, Polish President Andrzej Duda called for "decapitating the dragon" of Russian imperialism.

  War in Ukraine, Serbia
